Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Biblical Prophecies and Modern Geopolitics: Arlo Johnson's Deep Dive into Scriptural Insights, Personal Faith, and the Role of the Ten Tribes of Israel

Arlo Johnson

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Is the increasing hostility towards Israel a clear sign of biblical prophecies coming to life? Join us as Arlo Johnson uncovers the profound connections between ancient scriptures and today's geopolitical tensions, particularly in the Middle East. Arlo shares his compelling insights on God's grand plan, the symbolism of labor pains signaling the tribulation, and humanity's need for faith in Jesus for salvation. He also recounts his personal faith journey, experiences within various church communities, and dedication to observing the Sabbath, offering listeners a deeply personal perspective on modern spirituality.

Embark on a historical voyage with us as we delve into the fascinating narrative of the ten tribes of Israel, their captivity by the Assyrians, and the 2,520-year timeline that links their fate to the rise of European settlers in North America and beyond. Arlo brings to light the theological interpretation of these events, emphasizing the roles of men and women in God's creation and the necessity of approaching God through Jesus Christ. As we explore the unfolding biblical prophecies, Arlo passionately urges the importance of personal Bible study to avoid deception, highlighting that while Christ's return isn't imminent, making righteous choices in this lifetime is paramount. Don't miss this thought-provoking discussion on faith, prophecy, and divine guidance.

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Arlo Johnson:

That's Arlo Johnson in Vernon, bc, august the 14th, and we're going to talk about the plan. The plan, that's what we're going to talk about Now. When I say the plan, I'm talking about God's plan, no one else's plan. The plan that's been in existence for most likely thousands of years and it's coming to a close. It's going to be finished in a matter of time. The big time has gone by already and we're in the final stages. But here's the thing this is creeping up and you know he plainly said it's going to creep up on us like labor pains. In other words, you know it's going to be just a little now and then and a little worse later and then a little worse, and kind of getting used later and then a little worse, and you're kind of getting used to this, and then it gets more, worse and worse again and it will get so bad that it will finally explode and people will die by that. Hundreds thousands, actually millions, many millions, actually millions, many millions. A third to one half of the people on the planet. That's the plan. The thing is, how many people do you know that is paying attention to that? I mean, they watch the news. They see everything that's going on in Iran, israel, lebanon and they just say, well, you know they're always doing something, so we're not going to pay too much attention. But actually even today, I think, iran shot a bunch of missiles into Israel to test them out. Now the whole world is going to be, I assume, going to be against Israel total. It hasn't been up to now, but it's getting closer and closer. Russia, iran, now even China, is kind of getting involved. Then it's all the neighboring countries around Israel. I mean, there's a lot of them, there's a lot of them, and they're all basically against Israel. And God said that. He said it's going to be a heavy stone. Israel is going to be a heavy stone for the world. Now, why should I harp on this? It's because this, when I say the plan, it is a plan, it's happening the deception is get so bad that, in fact, is just about there now and you know people will be right.

Arlo Johnson:

Now people, the majority of people in this country and United States and England and whatever else and many places in europe, don't believe that the bible is true about the end of the world, end of this age. They say it's getting hot. Oh, we've got to save the world. We are going to save the world, the planet Earth. God says no, you're not. You are going

Arlo Johnson:

to suffer tremendous damage and death and destruction, because this is the tribulation which is the result of God's wrath against the human race for breaking his laws continually. Now, that's the wrath against the human race guilty of breaking his law. I'm pretty sure that covers everyone. I don't think anyone is immune from that. That means that if you haven't made arrangements to accept the fact that Jesus died in your place as an insurance policy for you, that if you accept that you will not be in God's wrath, you may die from it but you'll live again. The thing is it's a real thing. I mean, the tribulation you know is going to happen. I believe it's going to happen because I believe what God says and I believe that is the big problem that because it took me till I was, I think, down here, 80 years old before I actually totally believed what God said in the Bible and what Jesus Christ said for three and a half years of his ministry on this planet, which produced the Bible. Now people poo, poo the Bible. No, that's just wrote by a bunch of old Jews, da-da-da-da-da. You know, that's what they say. They don't realize that the Bible is actually an extraterrestrial book given to this planet, to the people on this planet, and it's pretty well proved it. I mean, it's lasted for thousands of years now and it covers everything that you can think about 32,000 verses written by, I think, 15 different authors over I don't know how many periods of years, but lots of years, and finally put into a book. It's absolutely amazing that, for instance, I did not read the book of revelation until I was maybe 80 years old and I went to.

Arlo Johnson:

I've gone to church since I was eight years old. I belong to the lutheran church for 60 years, until about I don't know what year it would be, but 2000 or something, I think 1990 something. I just didn't go to the Lutheran church anymore. I started listening online to different groups and I settled on one which I still listen to. I don't actually belong to them or anything. I made it a little bit to them when I say a little of the word, not very much. I've gone to Seventh-day Adventist Church here on and off to a little country church out here which I liked just because it reminded me of the church I grew up in, and they're a nice bunch of people, they're just country people. When I go there it just seems mainstream to me, except that they talk about this woman once in a while you know who was their leader, sort of. But other than that I couldn't see the difference between anything. It just looked natural.

Arlo Johnson:

You know, you'd sing some hymns and people get up and preach a bit and talk a bit, and then a couple people sing a song or two and everyone sings about three hymns and they shut it down after about an hour and in this case they always go and have lunch afterwards. I've been invited for lunch quite a few times. I've never gone yet. Invited for lunch quite a few times, I've never gone yet. But I do that because I've started to try to keep the Sabbath day and the reason for that is that that's one of the Ten Commandments. You're supposed to keep the commandments. If you want to talk to God about things and rely on his power and his presence and his saving grace for you, then you've got ten commandments.

Arlo Johnson:

The Catholics have taken one or two out and changed them around a bit. They don't follow the Sabbath anymore and they do different things. I can't accept them. I just don't think. I think they're going to be. I think they're going to be the people at the end of this age who are going to be the true colors, are going to come out. They're going to be with the Antichrist more than anything.

Arlo Johnson:

The business of deception, that's the big thing. When Jesus Christ left this planet, when he was rising up, he said don't be deceived. I mean, that's a plain and simple thing. He said Don't be deceived. Did he think people would be deceived? Yes, he did. He knew that, but he warned against it. It's a dangerous thing, Very dangerous.

Arlo Johnson:

You know, once I decided that I was going to believe what Jesus Christ said and what God has said in the Bible through his prophets and whatever else. Let's face it Moses wrote the book of Genesis. The book of Genesis is all about the beginning of the world. That's what it's about Now. Moses was not here at the beginning of the world. That's a good example of how God wrote this. He wrote it through his prophets and his people and they wrote according to what God led them to do, and I totally believe that there would be no way that anyone could have spell out the beginning of this world, everything else, on their own.

Arlo Johnson:

And the thing. The thing is that it's that model is very detailed if it says things in there like, for instance, I did not have a clue about the city of God. I had heard you know that God had said, I've heard you said, I go to prepare a place for you that where I am, you may be also. That's basically a member of that from way back and I just kind of think about that. I thought prepare a place in my father's house are many mansions, he said. Now what he's supposed to be building is a city 1500 miles square and 1500 miles high. It's that one huge cube, 2.25 million square miles. That's on the first floor.

Arlo Johnson:

Since then I've been people point out to me that that city would not fit on this planet and I believe that because I I remember. I remember years ago, quite a few years ago, I cut out a square that was equal to 1500 miles square on a fairly large world map and I tried to put it somewhere. I tried to put it like in Israel doesn't even fit, it just covers Israel total and a whole bunch of others can't put it in the United States, larger than United States, from Canada Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and it'll hang out in the Gulf. Now the other thing is they pointed out to me that the size of this city is so big that if it was on this planet it would be. The doors, the gates on four sides would all be 70 to 75 miles off the surface because of the Earth's curvature. So the Earth has to increase in size by about 366 times in volume. Now I don't know how much that increases in actual size, but in volume it has to increase that much.

Arlo Johnson:

Now God just plainly says I build, I make everything new, I create a new heaven and a new earth. That's just one line. You can believe, whatever you want, that you could write ten books about that one line. But the Now I really, I really do think it's a very concerning deal. When you look at the world, I just look at it. Just you know, in small pieces, my own family, my daughters, my sons, whatever, they just don't think anything of it, nothing. And that was too bad because I tried to get them to go to church on Sunday school and talk about things like that.

Arlo Johnson:

My wife was not a believer, she was quiet about it to me, but when I wasn't around she was. She was telling my kids about poo-pooing, all this religious stuff that was developed in her by her father, who was a well I don't know if he that they do most of their weekend work, you know, on the weekends that's a, that's not a day off, that's not a holy day or Sabbath day or anything. Now, that's what we build on the porch, or do this and do that, , and that means they don't believe in what God believes in and they believe it's fine to do all the things that God hates because there should be no law against it. We don't believe it. We don't believe in the laws and the main laws. Basically, right now they flaunt and whatever, now that they flaunt and whatever is, they promote abortion and they promote LGBTQ, homosexuals all great, no problem.

Arlo Johnson:

The problem is I haven't changed one iota. You know what I believed in in my lifetime. Now they're very disgusted with me because they've changed and I didn't. And to me that's a pretty bad thing when they won't allow a person, even their father, to have an opinion on something Not allowed. Now I'm not going to go along with it because I have to satisfy my family. No, I can't do that. No, I, I believed this for a long time and I, since I I don't know how many years it's 10 years now.

Arlo Johnson:

Anyway I believe that what Jesus Christ said and what God has said is absolutely gospel, take it to the bank. And the thing about it is it's so hard to keep up because you know, a person just screws up all the time. It's hard to not think about things and hard to not do things that you shouldn't do very hard. But thank goodness, god says you can come to me in my son's name and if you ask for forgiveness I will forgive you. It's as simple as that. And he says to people to believe in the gospel and be baptized. Now, if you're not baptized, I don't think that is the end of it, but it makes it a lot tougher because the idea of baptism is that you die, your spirit dies, your history dies, whatever with Christ, when you go under the water and come up. That's a symbolic thing you die, the old man dies and you come up new and a clean slate. And I did that when I was 84. I finally got a guy to do it for me and you know I'd be willing to baptize people. Now I've been baptized, but the thing is wiping the slot clean, what?

Arlo Johnson:

The things that you build up in a lifetime is pretty bad. Especially growing up, when you're young, you do a lot of things you really shouldn't be doing. You know, experimenting with things or whatever. Oh, I'm glad. I'm really glad about it me to get this guy to phone me and arrange this. And I waited for about a week to ten days and he phoned me and we arranged it. I never talked to him. In fact, when he phoned me, I said do you know why you're phoning me? He says no, I don't, I just felt I had to phone you. That's a pretty good indication that that's what happened and I thank God for that, because how do you do some of these things?

Arlo Johnson:

I'm going to add this part on. I see I'm up to 22 minutes here. Now On to another manuscript that I have and I'm going to add this on because I think it's the part I was wanting to emphasize here is that the world is actually starting to close in. People are not paying attention to this, they don't realize it, and it's going to happen. It's going to happen and it's going to close in. There's going to be a tribulation and there's going to be all kinds of crap to pay trouble. Now do you know what that means?

Arlo Johnson:

Jacob's trouble is the patriarch of the twelve tribes of Israel. He's the patriarch. He had twelve sons. God made one race basically not a race, but a tribe out of each son, and they all have God said that they're basically his people. The whole Bible people kind of forget that the whole Bible is wrote about one family, the repercussions of everything that happened to one family, the family of Adam. And it also describes what happened before Adam and after Adam. It doesn't talk about the tribes, of black tribes in Africa. It does not talk about the kingdoms and whatever went on in China for thousands and thousands of years. It doesn't. It talks about the story of Adam.

Arlo Johnson:

Now, when you get down to the nitty-gritty of this, the ten tribes of Israel broke away and left the two tribes in the south of Israel. The south of Israel was called Judah, I guess, or something like that, and the top ten tribes was called Israel, made up of ten tribes. They started to run things their way. They had kings who were rotten as dickens and did things wrong, all kinds of things. And God says you are breaking my laws to such an extent that I cannot give you your Abrahamic promise of wealth and land, everything at this time. You are going to have to wait twenty five hundred and twenty years before this will take effect.

Arlo Johnson:

Now he, now, he directed, or he had the Assyrians which were living fairly close to him, on the west side of the river and whatever, and the Assyrians at that time were a powerful country. He had them attack the ten northern tribes and take them all captive to Assyria to start with, and there was, there was six million of them. Now, I don't know what year that was, but way, way back, 2,520 years, from 1700, I guess I'm pretty sure 1700 is when 2, 2500 years was up, because that's when the white race in Europe woke up, started doing things and wanted to migrate. Where did they migrate? To North America, australia, new Zealand, they were all in Europe. And North America and Canada, all the best land. They had the best land in the world, and that's a fact. That's why the United States, canada and whatever have been feeding the world for many, many years. And Australia, huge land. North America, big land, canada, second largest nation on the planet.

Arlo Johnson:

Now, when that happened, it happened because God had obviously set aside North America, australia, new Zealand, south Africa and basically, that's for sure for his Israelites, his people, that affected the Indians in this country. But the Indians actually occupied this country from place to place, moved with the buffalo, moved with the grass. They didn't possess it, they occupied it and they didn't build one stick of road or railroad or houses or towns. The people moving here came from towns, cities, shops, businesses, churches, schools. The Indians didn't have anything like that, nothing.

Arlo Johnson:

They were from the sixth day creation. They were the hunters and the fishers that God created, and they were created by fiat, by being spoken and spoken into existence. Adam was different. Adam was formed and created after the sixth day creation and after the Sabbath rest of God, the Sabbath rest of God, and he was formed out of the dust of the ground and breathed into the Holy Spirit, or a spirit breathed into him. Now that means he was set, he wasn't to evolve and the woman, eve, was taken from him a rib to facilitate the same DNA, I would imagine so that she would be complimentary, made up and would be also set and wouldn't change, and that's a big difference in things.

Arlo Johnson:

So the whole thing that I would like to lead people with is the whole idea and the great plan that we're in. If people would realize, just realize that we are in a plan, a great plan that God has put together. You know, he had to create a universe and an earth and a sun and a moon and planets, and they had to be just so to make sure that the ideal conditions on this planet would be appropriate for his people, people. He wanted to build a family and his family is going to be big. I don't know how many billion, but there's going to be many, many billion out of out of a hundred billion, I imagine, that has been on this earth so far.

Arlo Johnson:

Now, the thing is, he basically points out that he wants sons. Now, that doesn't go too good with women because they think what? I'm not gonna go there. Well, the thing is, you can. A man is going to be changed. He's not going to be the same as he is now, and a woman will be changed the same way, but she won't be a woman. There's no requirement for the womb or you know anything on that planet? None, it's finished, not required anymore. Woman was, you know anything on that planet? No, it's finished, not required anymore. Woman was created to carry the to carry children and to bear children. They don't like to hear that, but that is what it was. History tells you that, what it was. History tells you that, and they've done a good job of it, because there's, you know, eight billion people right now, and there's been many, many, many moons have gone by Now the.

Arlo Johnson:

I don't know how in the world one could promote this to people, for instance. I cannot save anybody at any time, anywhere. All I can do, and all you should do, is point out to who can, and that's God. God is the only one that will draw people to his son, and his son is the one who saves them. You have to approach God in a certain way. It's a certain way because people have no idea and no real recognition of who it is they're praying to. And I've been allowed to do this, you know. Basically, he says you've got to ask to come to me, you have to come in the name of my son. If you come in the name of my son, have you come in the name of my son? I will listen to you, I will hear you. Now, that's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no charge, and it works. I know because of no charge and it works. I know because I've had things happen, plain and simple, little things, pretty big things Well, pretty big to me anyway. So this may I don't know if this will be the last time I'm going to talk about this.

Arlo Johnson:

This really needs to be hammered back to people constantly because of the deception and the lying in this world and it's going to cause problems for Jacob's trouble and Jacob's trouble is you and I, and basically it's the white race is going to be hit the hardest. That's who Jacob's race is Jacob's race's racing. Jacob races Israel. Israelite is what populated all of Europe and everything, and nobody paid no attention to that. They didn't even know. God said one thing when he drove them out of Israel. He said they will forget who they are Totally. And they did. For instance, there was at least four million people immigrated in the 1800s or something to United States, canada, whatever. Out of that four million, not one Assyrian type, skull type people, which are the round Skull people immigrated to North America. Only the Nordic, skull, oval, skull type, deal did, deal Did, and they all thought they were German, but they weren't. Pretty amazing things.

Arlo Johnson:

The amazing thing is that people, without finding out about the Bible or being listened to. The thing is, you've just about got to do this research on your own to not be deceived by fancy preachers and slick advertisement. It's not easy, so I hope this helps a little. I know this is not a cure-all thing for everything, but it is. So it's getting so important. If you look at what's really happening, it's all starting to happen, and that's not an exaggeration at all. It's starting to happen, and how fast it carries on it's hard to say.

Arlo Johnson:

So, whatever it is, you know that Jesus Christ is not coming back to this earth, at least for another seven years, because it can't even do that until this starts. For another seven years, because it can't even do that until this starts. So you've got a little time to do it. Once your life is over, you can't do anything. You have no recourse. You're finished. Your case is closed. That's what you chose, that's what you're going to get, and what could be more disappointing or terrible than to realize that you have missed the biggest opportunity that God has ever given to anyone or that anyone could ever imagine? Well, I'm going to leave it there. I hope this rings a bell with you. In the meantime, I'm going to say goodbye, good night, and God bless you.

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