Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

A Prophetic Journey: Unveiling the White Race's Origins

Arlo Johnson Season 2 Episode 73

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What if the origins of the white race were intertwined with a biblical tale of divine punishment and migration? Uncover the fascinating journey of the ten tribes of Israel, exiled by the Assyrians for their transgressions, and their 2520-year odyssey that shaped the demographics of Europe and North America. From Scandinavia to the British Isles and Germany, explore the impact of these ancient tribes on modern populations. This narrative weaves together themes of divine planning, prophetic fulfillment, and the profound influence of historical migration on the establishment of the white race.

Venture further into the envisioned future city of God, a massive metropolis dominated by the white race, as we discuss who will find their names in Jesus Christ's book of life. Learn about the first resurrection's exemption from the second death and the grim fate awaiting those judged unfavorably. Reflect on the nature of God, His creation, and the importance of water, alongside a heartfelt personal story of miraculous recovery that underscores divine intervention and gratitude. The episode concludes with an emphasis on voluntary adherence to God's laws and a blessing that resonates deeply with faith and devotion.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening. It's Arlo Johnson in Vernon, british Columbia. At about 8 o'clock pm on June the 8th, nice, warm day, very sunny, very warm, close to 80, that and all that. It's a long day. Sunset is 9, 9.10 or something like that pm. We're getting close to the longest day of the year, which would be June the 21st, and then we start going backwards again. It's a shame, you know, we don't want to get the grass growing and some green grass around, and the next thing, you know, the days are getting shorter. But actually it seems to work out, the I don't know, I wish it was a little later in the year, but that's the way it works.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, this is chapter one of the white race on this planet Period. There's been books wrote about the ten tribes of Israel and it's never been connected, you know, to the fact that God penalized them for breaking his law. You have to remember God instigated as a thing on this planet. I firmly believe that during the sixth day creation, all the races, all the different races, were created on the sixth day and, uh, it appears to me that the white race maybe wasn't. Now, aboriginals have been around for a long time. You take, for instance, the Indians that ruled North America without being president well, you could say presidential, I guess North America for thousands of years Now, I don't know how many thousands, but many thousands, many thousands.

Speaker 1:

Now the problem with that is when the English, the Scots, the Norwegians the that was the first went to North America, they came from countries that had roads, buildings. They were making things, manufacturing things. They had ships they had. I don't know at that time if they would have had steam engines, but I think they had steam and they had. They were factories making things, little factories, they were not big factories and they immigrated to this country they called North America. Now, when they got here, the Indians that roamed this great land hadn't built a stick of road, no infrastructure of any kind. They were hunters and fishers. That is how they lived. They lived off the land. They didn't possess the land. They occupied land and then moved and occupied other lands. They moved like the buffalo did. They moved with the grass. Now that means to me, you know, when God has a plan, it's a great plan. It's so great it's beyond our understanding sometimes. But it appears to me that this was held in reserve for the children that he wanted to have on this planet, his future sons, sons now.

Speaker 1:

The ten tribes of Israel. Obviously, if you look at written record of it, the ten tribe northern ten tribes were. They went off and they began to live like people do today. They ignored God completely. They had their own stuff and everything else, and God told them that for that reason told them that they were, for that reason they were going to not receive the Abrahamic blessings that God gave to Abraham to give to his sons and his prodigy after him. These were promises God made directly to these people, especially to Abraham, and he said he would be a blessing to the world and they would become like the sand of the sea. You have to remember the reason for all this is that God arranged a universe for you and I to exist in. It has to be just right. Everything has to be just right, weather conditions have to be just right, temperature has to be just right, temperature has to be just right, seasons to feed people and whatever, and all the things that have to happen.

Speaker 1:

Now, when God, when God determined that the ten tribes of Israel, the lost ten tribes of Israel, the lost ten tribes of Israel, were going to be punished by a hold back in their promise, in their promises, abrahamic promises. They were going to be held back from that for 2520 years the Assyrians not Syrians, assyrians, god used the Assyrians to attack the entire ten tribes of Israel, all of them, took them all captive and took them out of Israel into Assyria and there were six million of them at that time. So we got to think about this Six million in the year whatever that year was, I don't know them and they were. They were acting in God's timetable. Well, they didn't know that, I suppose, but they did. Now, during that 2520 years, they traveled west, slowly, moving west through one area after another, until they got into the Caucasian mountains and I don't know, into Russia or northern China or where I mean. They went all through that area and they were supposed to be a been, you know great horsemen, great horses and stuff like that. Now they kept going west, west, west, west, west, west, moving, moving, moving.

Speaker 1:

God said in his writings and told his prophets he said I will sift them out of the nations. Now, remember that that's what he said. I will sift them out of the nations, obviously the nations of Europe and Northern Europe, and all through Scandinavia, british Isles and nowhere Scotland, ireland, england. Now the promise here is that he was going to give them a promise after their penalty. He's very fair in that. Now, during that time they multiplied. They must have multiplied and multiplied until they become millions.

Speaker 1:

Now there's records I suppose there's records because people have wrote about this or whatever and they claim that in Germany alone there was approximately four million people immigrated out of Germany into North America in I don't know, 1700s, 1800s, and not one of them was round-faced Assyrian type German. They were all oval-shaped, norse-looking skulls, that was, the skulls of the stayed, the Nordic skulls left. They all thought they were German. You know my take on this and what I'm proposing to you is that that's where the white race came from. I don't know where else it could have come from.

Speaker 1:

Europe was pretty well all a white race continent and the Isles of England, ireland, scotland, you know, infiltrated or whatever you want to call it, by them developing and building and building in Europe and then immigrating to North America, and this was the culmination of the Abrahamic promise. That promise was riches, land, wealth, it said. I believe it said, like you know, the riches of the deep, the riches of the womb, the riches of I forget. There are many things that said there, but they ended up this white race people, and it didn't matter whether they were from Ukraine or Germany or Norway or Sweden or England or Dutch, holland or Ireland. They were white race. Nobody thought about that at the time. There was nothing new about that. But now, when you look at it, north America was held in abeyance for them all these years. Because that's what happened. It's not maybe it was this or that. We're talking about history. That is what happened. Canada became a white race nation. United States was a white race nation. Australia was a white race nation. The United States was a white race nation. Australia was a white race nation. South Africa wasn't totally white, but it was run by the white people there because they took it over and I don't know what else. But North America, australia, europe was the best land in the world Now the land. It appears to me that all the riches come from the land.

Speaker 1:

I was born and raised in Alberta, canada, in the parkland area of central Alberta, in the parkland area of central Alberta, where the black dirt is like and our farm was three feet deep and you could grow crops like crazy there, and I've been away from there now for about 60 years. I went back here a couple years ago, whatever, during the summertime, I think it was in July and I drove down the same road that I drove on for 20 years, or 18, 20 years before I left home home from where my dad's farm was, into town to Halix, which is six miles into town, and go by all these farms. Every time I drove by it was all farms and I drive by there, same field, same farm, and the crop is like three or four feet high, thick as hair on a dog, still producing Just as good or ever. You can't say that that doesn't produce wealth. It does, it absolutely produces wealth. A grain of wheat dies and produces a hundred, year after year, a hundred to one. All right, and now I think it's even more. Now this. I'm going to get into something else here.

Speaker 1:

The, the white race, seem to wake up Like when this 2,520 years were over. It was like the curse was lifted and they started to build and do things. Industrial Revolution kind of started then and steam engines, ships, boats, railroads and our good friends in North America were still roaming around. Now they want to collect their land. Well, they lived on it. It wasn't their land White race has just been, you know, pretty generous. I know In this country, right here where I live, it's millions of dollars after millions of dollars goes to the Indian Bands. They don't work. Government supports them in many different ways. I shouldn't say don't some of them. Some of them work.

Speaker 1:

Now, you know, there's a thing that ties in with this is that the this has been going on now like what? 300, no, 24, 500 years I wrote. Believe our cycle is just about over. You realize and this is in the Bible, there's no getting around it that God and the Word decided, before there was a world, before the beginning of the world, before the world, was that the Word who became Jesus Christ would suffer and die as a result of the children and the people that God was going to create, and there was going to be millions of them who couldn't keep his law, and the penalty for not keeping his law is death. Now, if all his sons and all his children are breaking his law and he's a just God and he has to kill them all how is he going to get his sons for his kingdom? So Christ agreed, before there was anything, that he would pay the price for God's children who would break his holy law. It's exactly what happened Now.

Speaker 1:

Now we're at the point where this is all now winding down and it appears to me like it's been going along. The world was running fairly fairly, I would say, you know, fairly decent and law abiding and whatever else for a long time, until the last what? 20 years. And it's gone, just doomed. Right now it's, it's scraping the bottom of the barrel and People say, well, this can't go on. Oh Well, it can go on and God is going to most likely allow it to go on because people have broken all his laws and when people break laws, there is penalties.

Speaker 1:

Now, you know, know, jesus said that last thing. He said when he lifted off. You know how he lifts off, how he did it, how it happens. People just say, oh, he lifted and went ahead. How did that happen? What kind of propulsion deal or magnetic deal is this? That you just go? But anyway, when he was lifting off, he said don't be deceived. That was the big thing and that is the thing thing.

Speaker 1:

As I sit here and talk to you today, we are being deceived wholesale, or weren't? That wasn't that bad ten years ago or 15 years ago. It's got nice, just like it's being refined now. You people say it can't go on like this. You know Well, it can go on like this and it will get worse. And God said there will be a tribulation and there will be one-third of the people on this planet will die.

Speaker 1:

Well, I prefer to believe what he says, only what he says, not what anyone else says. And I would suggest to you that if you believe what God has said through his prophets and whatever in the Bible, and believe totally what Jesus Christ said in the three and a half years that he was here and preached on earth and he got ready for the crucifixion to pay the penalty, and because the problem is, the whole world is being deceived as I speak, there's no question about that the whole world is blind to the fact that they're being deceived. They believe what they're told because they don't know anything different. Why shouldn't they believe that they have no basis for not believing it? There's no other news of some kind, very little anyway. So the business of being deceived is great and it's going to hit this band of people on this planet, this generation, this little narrow band of generational people now that are going to be hit hard, not the thousands of generations previous all the way up, not them, not the people who have died it's not going to bother them but right now, the people that are living right now I'd say 20 to 30 years old or something they're the ones that are going to be hit hard, very hard. They're already. You know there's already the Satan worshipers and Satan, this and Satan that I mean it have statues to Satan in some places in the States and they have satanic churches and satanic groups and they're protected because, you know, we.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now, the book of Revelation is an eye-opener to anyone that wants to know what's going on, what's going to happen and when, says when, doesn't give us, it doesn't give an exact date, but it says that that's what is going to happen in the coming future. Sometimes, as it builds. I think that God has a plan, an actual plan for everybody on the planet. He is that great he can be everywhere at once. His spirit can be everywhere. His spirit obviously knows whatever is going on. His spirit never sleeps. He's given directions in the book of Revelation about chapter 20, which you'd be well to read, and you can find there the dimensions of the city that Jesus Christ talked about. He said I go to prepare a place for you that, where I am, you may be also.

Speaker 1:

Now Jesus laid out the criteria for being in his book of life, because the situation is this and Jesus has explained it. God has explained it and said if you are not in Jesus Christ's book of life, when the time comes for judgment, which is, you die. And then the judgment doesn't say when, but the next thing that happens is the judgment. And then who is going to be in the judgment? To begin with? Well, there's a good chance that it's going to be the people who are going to be in Christ's book of life, and maybe that's what's going to be in the first resurrection. As he said, if you're in the first resurrection, there's no second death for you. But if you are not, then he says, then is the judgment, and the judgment is penalty, is death, and you will be thrown into the lake of fire. Bang, that's it, there's no getting around it. Bang, that's it, there's no getting around it.

Speaker 1:

People think, oh, god wouldn't do that. The thing is, god is not a man. He runs the universe in his own way. Because he is the universe, everything is him, and that's hard to grasp, that he can create a million stars and knows them all by name. He knows the hairs on everybody's head. Now, don't you think it's a pretty good deal that God is who he is? You know what if he wasn't? What if he wasn't adjust, loving, just and loving God, but also a fierce, fierce God. Fierce For those who break his laws, all his things, if they purposely break it. He can be purposely viciously hard. He's, I believe, now raised about a hundred billion people that in the world to come, they are all capable of being his sons. That's what he talks about, only his sons.

Speaker 1:

Now, in the world to come, women will not be in the kingdom of God because there's no two sexes to argue and fight about things. There's no requirement for the womb. That's all done, and there's no need for jealousy and vanity, which are the two main problems that women have. Not that men don't have problems too, but the big problem is that is what's ruined the whole universe is vanity and jealousy, first by Satan, jealous of God and vain in his beauty. That brought him down.

Speaker 1:

Now women have a tendency to be jealous of men. It's a built-in jealousy. It's nothing, no individual thing, and women are much more beautiful than men, but they are also very vain. I mean, they can sit and look in the mirror at themselves all day, practically, and their vanity leads them to be so self-conscious about their beauty they want someone to bolster it. Am I good-looking, am I beautiful, am I this? And then next day, am I beautiful? You know. And yet, on the other hand, women are much better or stronger than men when it comes to suffering for children, patience and suffering, nurturing. You know God has a place in God's eyes.

Speaker 1:

So if you believe what I've just said Now, the white race has been the shakers and the movers on this planet. Basically, pretty well, not that the Chinese haven't done things In the last 50, 40, 50 years. It rose way up for most people. But if you read the book of Revelation, I tell you that that is that. No, I opened her like you wouldn't believe in. There it talks about now. This is God's kingdom, 1500 miles square and 1500 miles high. That's his final city that will ever be in this universe and it'll be peopled by all his children who he's going to resurrect. You've got to be pretty powerful to do these things. The building he's talking about is too big for this planet. Nobody knew that or didn't talk about it. They didn't realize it until just lately. The four gates there's a gate on each side, or three gates on each side. There's 12 gates for the 12 apostles, and there's other things too that relate to the Israelites. It's white race people.

Speaker 1:

Now people are going to say, well, that's racist, why are you going to have the white race running everybody? And obviously that's who it's going to be. Now, that's going to twist the nose on a lot of people when they understand that, but I guess it's so different that people will be totally blown away. They won't recall what went on on this planet, in this life. That will not be in a memory. There will be no memory of that. I understand, though, that there will be some recognition of people each other. Now, I don't know where it says that or what, but that's the general feeling I get from reading things. Now you have to remember this is the absolute pinnacle of existence in this universe will be to be a son of God, living with the creator of the universe forever.

Speaker 1:

Now this planet, to handle the city of God, is going to have to increase in volume. People are telling me that it's going to have to increase about 360 times in size. 160 times in size Now. That, in a way, is beyond what we can visualize. But, on the other hand, who is going to be residing there? This big, this big planet, this big city is the one and only creator of the universe and his son. They are the government of God, along with the Holy Spirit, and so it's going to be a big place. He says there will be no more sea.

Speaker 1:

I've gone on, you know, quite a few cruises, whatever. I just mesmerized by sitting out on the Lido deck and looking at the water. Here, here we're going through all this water, water, water, water. Where did it all come from, like, how did it all get here? It would have to be created by God Almighty in one big swoop. And when you consider that water is such a element, we take it for granted. Man, do we ever? But it can be gas, it can be ice solid and it can be liquid. And we're made out of it. We are both 70% water. We're basically a walking blob of water and fat and minerals and whatever else in a body that God created and made, a system to replicate over and over and over An actual system.

Speaker 1:

The man carries the sperm, which is the spark of life. Can't argue about that. There's no life unless the man delivers the sperm, which is like the carrier of all the instructions that go into that egg and start to build another human being. And it has to be instructions in there instantly to say where does this cell go and where does that cell go. Can you imagine such a thing? You know they use electron, electron something or whatever it's called microscopes, and they'll take a look at a cell and then they'll expand the cell, you know, starting with a small area, and pull it apart about like the size of a football field in relation to it. Bunch of more, all kinds of things, not cells, they're like little pieces of motors and this and that and all kinds of things that run this cell.

Speaker 1:

You know, it is so amazing, I guess, and I'm starting to believe that that is what's going to generate all the interest and the beautiful living expectations that people will have forever in a forever universe. They'll never be bored anymore, ever, because God is unlimited. You know, like he says things like the mind of man has never even dreamt of or considered what God has planned for them. Now, that just says it in a nutshell and what he's saying is that you're not going to be bored, and what a promise. Now, when you read and hear something like that and you look around and you listen and you see people who say that what's that saying? Don't believe in God, don't believe in this. Now we've got a whole generation that says we don't believe in God. That's sad, that's sad, that's very sad. I mean my family has gone that way, absolutely gone that way, and it just gripes me to no end to think that I grew up, got married, had three children and, as far as I can tell, they don't believe in anything. My wife had a big influence in that she would not believe in Jesus Christ or God, even though she was involved in a deal where we had an actual miracle happen in our family To our youngest son, who was four years old, got diseased with blood disease of some kind, black marks up and down his legs, all over the place and the bottom of his feet, and he couldn't walk and crying, you know. The specialist said well, you got two weeks to live, that's it. You better take pictures of him while you can. He's gonna just go down through right away.

Speaker 1:

I was on about Thursday, red Deer, alberta, four years old. So I'll just tell you the rest of the story now. When I started it, we were in to see this specialist. He gave us the news that our son, jeff, was going to die within about two weeks. Because he was small, he had a small blood base I mean not very much so this was going to spread through his blood within two weeks and he would die. And he suggested we take him up to the hospital and they would do whatever they could there. So we took him up to the hospital and I remember walking down the hallway and the nurses came walking towards us and there was tears in their eyes. You know they knew what was going on and we give it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, thursday night, well, my wife just collapsed when he told her that and she was beside herself and he quickly whipped out some pills of some kind to give her medication to calm her down. And it calmed her down, didn't give me anything. I just sat there looking and it didn't give me anything. Now I took the boy up to the hospital, dropped him off at the hospital and headed back to Rocky Mountain House, 50 miles, and my wife's just staring out the window in the car and just no idea what she was just out of it. I was driving along and I was not feeling very happy. I mean, now I'll tell you what I did. I pulled up, I was just leaving Red Deer and on the left-hand side was a building and it was a liquor store. So I pulled into the liquor store, went in and bought a Mickey, a rye, pulled out on the highway and I went again, pulled out on the highway and I went again and I kind of nursed that Mickey the 50 miles into Rocky Mountain House. By the time I got there it was done. I just drank it up and that, I guess, sort of helped me settle me down a little bit.

Speaker 1:

We got home, the first thing she did was run in the house and started pulling pictures out from everywhere she could find and dumping them on the bed. I'm going through trying to find pictures of Jeff. Well, I told her, I said look, said God does, say that if two of you believe and ask for something, that God will grant it. I said do you believe that? Yes, yes, yes. Well, I thought I don't know if you do or not, but I said let's do that. So we got down beside the bed, put our hands on the bed and we both said please, god, we're both in agreement. We would like that you would interfere with this thing and save our son from the terrible disease that he has. We ask it in Jesus' name, amen. And that was it.

Speaker 1:

I got up and I went down to a shop I had in Rocky Mountain House. I had this building and in the building I had a dry cleaning plant. I was working for a pipeline company. I had a little office down there with a phone in it and I went in there. This was like about 6.30 at night, it was getting dark and I had basically a little cubby hole office just with a kind of a bit of a desk thing in there under the stairway. I went in there, got on the phone because I was driving around in the oil fields.

Speaker 1:

His name was Max Solbrecken, in Edmonton, alberta. He was a fiery preacher, I guess you'd say. Anyway, I remember hearing him saying he was having this big crusade in the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton and I thought it was that day and I looked up the number. I called the Jubilee Auditorium, asked for Max Albrecht and she said yes, he's here, I'll get him for you. I just sat there and I started to shake. I was really nervous.

Speaker 1:

He come on the phone and said what can I do for you? So I told him. I said my son's in Red Deer and the doctor said he's only got two weeks to live and I would ask you to pray for him if there's any possibility of that. And he says yes. He said I will do that. We'll have 700 people here. He said in about in the next hour will be 700 people here in the Jubilee Auditorium and he said I will ask them all to pray for your son, jeffrey, in the Red Deer Hospital.

Speaker 1:

But he said you have to get down on your knees and say follow me and say these words and do exactly as I say. So I said yes, yes, yes, got down on my knees in the dark and I started to get really emotional, I started to sob and whatever. And he said, and I just repeated what he said and shaking and sobbing, and I just said thank you very much. And he said all right, god bless you and take it from here. And I got up from there, I went home. I don't. I don't think I said anything to my wife and mother the next morning, friday, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

The next morning I told her that our other two kids were staying somewhere else. I said you better come with me. It's pretty hard for you to sit home alone here. I said I have to go to work. So she said, okay, got in the pickup and we drove around the oil field and, oh man, it must have been Saturday morning. Yes, it was Saturday morning. And she drove around with me and I remember, like it was a signal, and yet I don't know if it was or not we were driving around in the foil field and I remember turning and driving sort of southeast or something in a direction and into this tank farm and as I drove in, the clouds just opened up and the sun just lasted right there and it was just bright, you know. And I looked up at it and I thought, oh, I said I think that's a sign that Jeff's going to be okay. And I said to her you know what? He's going to be okay and that's all I said.

Speaker 1:

We went home, went to bed on Sunday morning at about quarter to ten, phone rang and there was this woman from the hospital in Red Deer and she said you can come and pick up your son. He's fine. That's all she said, and I just said thank you very much. We drove into Red Deer. We went up the two floors where we had left them, left him and I was walking down this hallway and this specialist doctor came walking towards me and he just looked the other way and wouldn't look me in the eye, just walked by. We went in and they brought Jeff out. All the black sparks were gone, he was fine, we took him home and that was it.

Speaker 1:

Now there's no coincidences there, none, and I have thanked God many times for this, many times. So later on, I'm going to talk about the idea that people can have access to the, the Creator of the Universe, that you know, the most powerful entity in the whole universe, the Creator God. We don't really know. We are built in His image image, that's all we know and that we will become sons at some stage and that he's made arrangements for somebody to cover for us, because we could not keep his laws and he had to have it that way because we had to voluntarily want to be his son. We couldn't have no other way to do it. So I'm pretty glad that God is in charge of things. That's for sure, and so should you be. You know we take a lot of things, that's for sure, and so should you be. You know we take a lot of things for granted, totally for granted. Anyway, that's it for tonight. I'd like to say God bless you and keep you. Thank you very much.

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