Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Confronting the Abortion Debate: A Reflection on Faith, Moral Landscapes, and National Identity

Arlo Johnson

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A vivid dream in the dead of night set the stage for my revelation on the abortion debate—a revelation that I can't keep to myself. As I stand on the precipice of my 90th birthday, the memories of a different Canada, one from my youth, flood back, and I feel compelled to share my thoughts on how abortion has reshaped our nation's moral and cultural landscape. 

This episode isn't for the faint of heart, as I confront the uncomfortable truth that each abortion, in my view, extinguishes a potential life that's divinely sparked at the moment of conception. With religious observances setting the scene, I challenge the defense of abortion as women's healthcare and scrutinize the demographic changes within our country, pondering the long-term consequences on the white race and the Christian faith. There's a chilling effect, a sense that we're at a crossroads, and I urge listeners to consider the spiritual and national repercussions of a practice I believe goes against God's will. Join me for an unflinching exploration of a topic that continues to divide and define us.

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Speaker 1:

Good afternoon, good morning, 10.30 am in Vernon, British Columbia. Hope you're all doing fine. I guess today's the well, today's the Sabbath day, Yesterday was Good Friday and tomorrow is Easter Sunday, so I would imagine people are celebrating that in different ways. But anyway, putting that aside today I'm not going to talk about that too much today. I wanted to mention to you today that I woke up in the middle of the night last night dreaming about a situation. I woke up really angry, cranky, and it was all about abortion and I was going through all these scenarios and stuff. And I was going through all these scenarios and stuff and it made me realize how important this abortion business really is to this world and especially to this country. It's destroying it.

Speaker 1:

People, I think, have been brainwashed into the idea that it's, you know, a woman's right to do this kill babies and do whatever, Just call them a fetus instead of a baby, and men who go along with it and encourage it and whatever, pay for it if they have to. And then you have people like the Planned Parenthood who call it what do I say? Health care, women's health care. You know that's devilish right there, because that is such a lie. But the problem really is? It really is murder and killing. There's no doubt about that, Because I'm convinced that when a woman gets pregnant, the man's sperm, that when a woman gets pregnant, the man's sperm, the one that finally makes it into the egg, fertilizes it right there and right there is the spark that starts life, and immediately after that, God gives it a human spirit. That happens most likely all at once. Pretty well, Now to say that you can get rid of that, it's my body and I can do what I want with it, that's a big lie. And then to say that it doesn't matter, that it's not a human or anything else, that's a big lie. It's just as human as you or I am Instantly. Now, what that does to a country is, you know, for the fact, that I'm getting pretty old. In a couple of weeks I'll be 90 years old.

Speaker 1:

When I look back in just this country, Canada, for instance, and I see the changes in this country right now, it's a horrendous big change from where it was 75 years ago, 60 years ago, 50 years ago. This was a white race country, Christian country. Basically. It was, I believe, set aside for the ten tribes of Israel to expand. Ten tribes of Israel turned out to my estimation and what I can find out, turns out to be the white race. I don't know where else they came from and if you know how, just let me know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, the business of abortion and how it has changed in the last you know, even 15 years, 10 or 15 years, that's when it's got really hard Killing, killing, killing, killing, killing and up to kill as much now, I would guess, as natural birth. So it's killing the population of the country Can't say it isn't, and it's changing the fabric of the country. It's changing it over. It's not. Well, let's put it this way White race women are the ones who, basically, in this country, are the ones who promote abortion and get abortions, In other words, kill their own babies, and they're doing it with agreements and applause and oh, isn't that great. How can that be accepted in a world? You know? The thing is, when somebody does that, they are murdering another Canadian, An unborn Canadian. He's alive, he's growing, but he's not out of the womb yet.

Speaker 1:

And the whole business, which you cannot ignore, is satanic. It has to be satanic. You can't argue against that. You can't say it's a woman's right or this right or that right. It's absolutely against God's will for this world and for his people and for his family and for his children. Now I can't see how they're going to get away with this at all. And men won't get away with it. Men could be even more responsible than the woman, because he carries the seed, he plants the seed in the woman and then he says, oh, go ahead and kill it, we don't need it. Or she says, I want to kill it, I'm not going to have it. Or the middle-aged wife says I'm not going to have this interrupting me and the 30-year-old woman working in the office as a you know, she's getting to be a manager or whatever oh, I can't have this to disrupt my life.

Speaker 1:

And then the other ones who say we, I have a right to have sex free, sex free of consequences, just like a man, and that's what they demand. And the public gets bamboozled into that. And the next thing, you know, all the politicians agree with that and they destroy their country. They absolutely destroy the country. They kill their own children and bring in strangers and they say, oh, that's fine, it's not fine. In God's eyes it's not fine.

Speaker 1:

And anybody who agrees with God's way of this it's not fine, Absolutely, will create the wrath of God. There is no. I don't believe there's any way around that. And that is, I think it's allowed. God allows it as a curse to a nation that does this. They destroy themselves. And he allows it Because every single one, every single child that's aborted, is already one of God's children. He says don't worry about who can kill the body, Worry about who can kill your soul or your spirit, and they can't kill their spirit. So the ones who do abortion, promote abortion, will be held accountable. And I believe that, and you know, it's not that I have anything to do with making laws or anything, but it's just I understand why God hates this and hates it with a passion that says there will be consequences. God's wrath will be the end winner on this, there's no doubt about that. God's wrath will be the end winner on this. No doubt about that.

Speaker 1:

Those who support abortion, mass abortion, like they do now, are going to be guilty in God's eyes. That's for sure. And if that's their choice, then that's their choice. But I wouldn't want to be in their shoes because, well, how are they going to? How are they going to answer when Christ says what are you doing about killing children. What is your explanation for that about killing children? What is your explanation for that? They're going to have to Remember God says you live so many years and whatever else, and then you die, and then you face the judgment. And that is the judgment, and you will be judged. I will be judged. Every single one will be judged.

Speaker 1:

I believe that there is no way in this world coming world that abortion will be abolished or anything like that, Because the evilness of people, women's tendency to go along with Satan's biggest faults, which is jealousy and vanity, will continue on a great scale and most likely more, and God will allow it. He will say fine, if you want to do that, you're digging your own, condemning yourself. So me saying that you know I hate abortion and God hates abortion and a lot of other people do too is going to solve the problem. No, it's gone too far for that. People would rather risk their future life totally due to the fact that they will accept and promote abortion. You don't have to have an abortion to be in God's crosshairs. You know, If you promote and you agree with abortion, you're in God's crosshairs. You're not going to get away with that. You're not going to get away with that. You're promoting death of God's children. They're not your children.

Speaker 1:

I wish people would have the dream like I did last night about it. That might change their mind. But I suppose that's not going to happen either. So you know people will say, well, you're very pessimistic and everything. Maybe. I don't know if you take it as being pessimistic. I take it as being factual. And it's a fact that people are killing all their children and it's false. It's a dirty lie, it's a satanic deal.

Speaker 1:

They don't believe these people who do that are not. They're not Christian people or they're not. They're not Christian people or they're not people who believe that Christ died for them. If they believed that, they wouldn't dare do that because they know that would be wrong. Anyway, Christ said to remember him break bread, drink wine. This is my body, he said. Drink wine. He said this is my blood I've given to you. And if they did that they'd think twice. I know that it's rare.

Speaker 1:

Now that you know, people go and have communion. I guess they'd call it yeah, and I believe that a person should be celebrating the Passover and not Easter. Easter is a devilish thing, I mean what? Well, sun worshippers, one thing, and fashion hats and whatever else and bunnies and eggs and kids dancing around playing chasing bunnies and eggs and kids dancing around playing chasing bunnies and egg hunts and this and that, and what could be farther from the fact that Christ hung on a cross and died for you? Is that how you celebrate? That Is death like that. That's a bad thing. That's Easter. Passover is Passover. Passover is when God passed over the people of Israel and said put your blood around your door and I will pass over you around your door and I will pass over you. And Christ had a Passover meal with his disciples the night before he was crucified and he told them this that's a big difference Life is.

Speaker 1:

You know, life is pretty serious. There's no question about that, Especially when you understand what's at stake. You're born into this world, you come into this world, you just all. You wake up and all of a sudden you're here. You don't know how you got here, you don't have a clue. You're there, You're opening your eyes and you're looking at these people and whatever's going on here. Pretty soon you learn to talk and walk and whatever. You die and you leave with nothing.

Speaker 1:

So, in other words, you go through this business of life, which I knew when I was 15 years old, that the only reason you're here is to make a decision yes or no. Do you believe that God sent Jesus into this world to save the world, yes or no? That's the criteria If you're going to go into the next step, which is going to be a totally different world and that does not have an end. This one is, this one is is, you know, transparent deal, but it's, it's, it has an end, that's the right word. But anyway, it's all been done. We're in the plan and that's the plan going on and you can bet your taller gloves, whatever that God knows exactly how it's going and when it's going, what you're going to be doing and not doing. What your neighbor's going to do, you maybe don't know, but he knows, and I could tell you that it is if you once get understanding what happens to you after this life is over. You're right, life is over. That's a big relief Because you're not in charge of it, but you can be told what will happen to you and basically read the book of Revelation. It helps a lot, A lot.

Speaker 1:

You know, I went to the Lutheran church for 60 years. I never even they never even talked about the book of Revelation, Not once. How do you like that? Well, I found out. How do you like that? Well, I found out, I didn't like that. Now I'm going to say one last thing about abortion. It's devilish. If you believe in it, you are wrong. There is nothing more wrong than that. I hope you don't think that that's a good thing to do, that you're sucked in by a lie, because it's a huge lie, and that you can break away from that and realize that in God's eyes, you are very, very important. You are so important that he was willing to, to, you know, do anything to save you, and he did. With that, I would say happy. I would say the Latin have happy Passover. That's what I would say. Forget this stupid Easter bunny business. Anyway, I promise not to be this pessimistic and hard next time. Thank you for listening and God bless you.

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