Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Spring Awakening: Navigating God's Timeless Plan and Our Spiritual Journey Through Life and Beyond

Arlo Johnson

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As the buds of Vernon, British Columbia burst into life, I, Arlo Johnson, invite you to join me in a soul-stirring odyssey that melds the freshness of spring with the profound mysteries of time and God's cosmic blueprint. In a symphony of reflection, we traverse God's meticulously planned calendar, from the biblical Abib to the grand tapestry woven with each moment of our existence. With the blooming flowers as our backdrop, we embark on a journey to understand the insignificance of worldly endeavors in the face of securing our names in God's book of life, and the breathtaking vista of a new heaven and earth that awaits.

Venturing further into the spiritual realm, I share my intimate walk with faith in the Lutheran church, scrutinizing the depths of religious teachings that often leave the eschatological puzzles incomplete. We grapple with the contentious practices of the Catholic Church and open up about the hierarchy within God's Kingdom, questioning our eternal roles and the transformative power of belief in Jesus Christ. As the chapter of life inevitably closes, I contemplate the urgency of seizing the day, leaving a legacy that echoes through eternity and sparks inspiration long after our final breath. Join me in this episode as we navigate these topics with sincerity and a longing for divine wisdom.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning. It's Arlo Johnson in Vernon, british Columbia, coming to you at 10.15 am on March the 16th, and we're into hopefully it's about spring. It'll be up to about 60 degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon, which is not bad, but it is the 16th of March, so it should be expected. So the goodness of spring, which I've said before, if you've listened to my podcast, is something that I actually really look forward to and I think every mind you, not just me, I mean everyone actually looks forward to spring. When you see the activity that goes on around the different sites, you know the well I know what you call them gardening sites and whatever there's people just running around packing bags of this and bags of that, pots and all kinds of stuff every spring.

Speaker 1:

I think I mentioned this before and I'm going to mention it again the difference between what mankind thinks is the right way to learn things and God thinks the right way to learn things, and I think in all cases God is superior and God is right. For instance, spring in God's world starts in around the 12th of in this calendar called Abib, which I believe is around April in this calendar, so around the 12th of April, and it certainly starts out here and he said that's, but that's spring. But it's not just spring. That is the new year. The winter is over and now starts a new year and it's not like we do with January, the 1st at midnight in a snow bank somewhere on the highway in Saskatchewan. I mean, I can't follow that at all. God's day starts at sunset, the old day ends at sunset and a new day begins at sunset. Now there's also 30 days of the month every month, and the adjustment is made once every four years. Somehow I forget how it's done. But now, when you think about the way God's mind must work, or plan that works, and the way we do things where we're utterly you know, we're inferior by far. God does things that are very we could say common sense, and I mean let's place it as a race of people. We don't practice very much common sense. There's some people who do, I guess, but the majority does not. So I guess that's the life we have. Someday, I guess, we'll go by God's plan, god's rules.

Speaker 1:

It's very interesting, when you study this a little bit, that God has a plan and it's a plan and we are part of that plan and we're in that plan Every day we get up. We're part of that plan and it's another slice of time in that plan. The plan is, you know, it's not changeable, it's absolutely built into stone. Basically, you know, how long do you think in our time? Say, do you think God took to form the form that this plan were in this age on the earth and the different earth ages and now this earth age? It's like God was trying a few scenarios and he settled on this one and for some reason or other I certainly can't prove it or anything like that but it appears to me it's like we're in the final run of this plan. It's like this plan has been kind of run through once before and now we're in the final plan and that means that me being on here having a podcast and if you happen to listen to it, it means that that was part of the plan. That is how precise the plan is.

Speaker 1:

It has to be like that, because all of nature is built on a reducing scale. You know, like all the animals and all this stuff, they last for only so long. They're not permanent. And there's now been, I think, thousands of species of animals. There's been species of humans too. But when God comes along and says or Jesus says I'm going to build a place, I'm going to prepare a place for you so that you can be with me.

Speaker 1:

Well, that puts things in a different light altogether. That means we've settled on a plan and God wants sons, he wants a big family and, let's face it, if we could grasp the level of magnitude that God deals with like he doesn't, he never exaggerates, never. He never embellishes anything. Every word he says is a powerful word. It's necessary to what he is saying and being that God is Almighty, you know, and he is a great spirit who can change or do anything, is most likely in the position where he deserves and what requires, the top, largest presence in the whole universe, because he, the universe, belongs to him, everything.

Speaker 1:

Now, if that's the case, the city of God which is we know the size of it 1500 miles square, 1500 miles high, we can't visualize it. You can't remember how many floors or what it would be, 1500 miles up high, but what would be there? And basically, I certainly didn't know until just lately that the city wouldn't fit on this planet. I've never said anything about that. He just said I will create a new heaven and a new earth, and which means he's going to have an earth that is going to accommodate the size of the city. And to do that, from what I understand and what I've read these people have done calculations on it says that the world, this world's size, has to increase by 366 times. So instead of an 8,000 diameter world, 8,000 miles, 4,000 radius, but 8,000 diameter, it's going to have to be tons and tons better than that. But I guess the only way you can explain that is because this is where God is going to be. This is going to be his headquarters and we're going to live in his headquarters.

Speaker 1:

If we are in his book of life, that's the most important thing. All this other stuff and we have elections and we have this and we have that and we fight about this and argue about that None of that is really that important. I mean, it's kind of day-to-day important on a small scale, but what's really important is that if we are going to be in Christ's book of life, that is the thing I mean. You tell me if there's something more important for you or me. I'd like to hear it. But I know there isn't and I'm sure you know there isn't, and it depends on how much procrastination. We do or had, and I certainly know about that too, and I think it makes it really tough.

Speaker 1:

If you get to a point in your life where you actually believe what Jesus Christ has said and what's going to happen. He says this will happen and that will happen. You believe that, you finally believe it. And then you sit back and look at the world around you and you are Just about blows your way when you see people who don't even know about it, think about it or do anything about that or even take it seriously and Makes you wonder. You know, I mean, I can't get anyone to to, I Can't say you do this and you do that, and then you know you'll be in this kingdom. No, only God can do that. He's the only one that can call people to Christ, his son, who is going to be the judge of the world and who is going to be, who is the savior of the world and who is also God. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit make up God. Yeah, I don't know if it ever bothers you or makes you wonder. When you look at somebody, do you actually Say to yourself man, are they going to be in God's kingdom or not. The thing is I I, you know, I personally totally believe what God says. I totally believe what Jesus Christ has said. It took me a long time to do that, but Once I did that, that was a bigger leaf for me, because I couldn't believe everything that Jesus Christ said and it cleared up a lot of things, a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

You know, I went to the Lutheran church for about 60 years, on and off, not the stretches I'd, you know, you know, go very often, but All during that time I never even heard about the book of Revelation. I Never even heard about these different things. I said right in the Bible. I mean why I took catechism? I was confirmed in the Lutheran church. Never Heard about it, told about. It Was always these fluff things is sort of like Traditionals, traditions, you do this, you do that and and you know I, that's not nobody bad in the kind of Lutheran church or anything like that. They're all good, that's. I don't think they're good for people. I'm good for people Because they are like milk toast. They're weak and they don't seem to Form up or have a stance on things. That's not good.

Speaker 1:

When I read about the Catholic Church, I just think to myself. You know, the largest church, the largest Christian church anyway, on the planet, and it is when you read what they are and what they've done and what they believe and what they've changed. And they said not to change things, and they say, oh yeah, we can change. You know, to me they're just. Here's a preview of the Antichrist Church, which I think they're going to be False prophet or whatever it's called. I can't see that. Their whole deal. You know, taking the place of you know they say that they are the priests can forgive sins and all that sort of stuff. No, I don't think you can. The Pope is infallible now.

Speaker 1:

But all these things are lies, you know, and they are basically lies. And we're living in a lying, lying world. You can't go, you can't go for a day with other people or somebody lying to you and I mean they do it honestly, they don't think they're lying. They spread lies and deception because they don't know any better. That's all they know, that's what they've been told, that's what they saw on the news, and they cannot separate the facts that the news is not. It's not trustworthy. You can't believe the news anymore. It is so slanted.

Speaker 1:

And so the whole deal is basically the description of Satan, who takes the truth and then puts a lie in it. You twist it. That's how he sells the lie, and I think it's a good thing that he's been judged, which he has. Satan has been judged already and he's waiting for his first go in the hole for a thousand years. And you know, you can see why God is going to let him out because he's going to gather up all the people who still are against God, against everything. There'll still be people like that. He's going to gather them all up and then that's going to be the wiping that's going to clean again. Yes, it's a plan. There's no doubt about that. One of the mysteries really is who is going to be in the kingdom of God forever. You know, jesus said there are those who will be the greatest in the kingdom and those who will be the least.

Speaker 1:

When I read that and thought about that for a while, I thought you know, that opens up a whole big thing. There's a hierarchy in there of some kind. Then there's the big city, huge, huge city, and the earth way bigger than it is now. Is there some way that the audience is going to make a situation where people will have to work their way out of something on outside the city, it's said, because outside the city are dogs and this, and that you know that's what it says. I'm not saying that, that's what it says. And yet the gates of the city are never closed, day or night. There is no day or night. There's only day, only daytime. There is no night, there is no time.

Speaker 1:

When people say that you live forever, well, I guess that's one way of saying it, but it is that you live where there's no time, there is no time, and you have a indestructible spiritual body that you live in. It's not physical, there's no blood veins, you don't go to the toilet, I don't think. And they still have. They have meat, they eat, I guess, or have banquets or something. I mean it's hard to figure out, isn't it? Well, I don't know if that's how it happens. I don't know if they say it's about banquets, but Ah, yeah, well, it could be some kind of that's a very important saying hey, so if you're like I am, if you're thinking that there may be a chance, that if you ask for forgiveness and believe in Jesus Christ and believe in God, that there may be a chance that you may see the time when God will say to you go to the right and enjoy the things that God has provided for you, and hopefully not say, go to the left. I don't know you. That's well, that's going to be it.

Speaker 1:

And once a person dies, you can't actually do much about it anymore. He only can do something as long as he is physically and mentally alive. Once he dies, that is the end of his life. That's section. So you know, a person doesn't want to really procrastinate forever can't guarantee it. Anyway, good thing that there's a way to do this. Only it's hopefully we have to do it and this hopefully, hopefully somebody will pay attention to that, I don't know. Anyway, thank you for listening and God bless you and we'll see you later.

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