Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Contemplating the Sacred and the Secular in Life's Grand Tapestry

Arlo Johnson

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As winter's chill thaws into the promise of spring, our latest episode finds me musing on the curious dance between eternal divine commandments and the mutable laws of humankind. With Vernon, British Columbia's gentle winter as my backdrop, I explore the natural cycles that govern our lives and question the peculiar construction of our modern calendar. Why does it not sync with the celestial clockwork God has set in motion? The discussion unfolds to contrast the immutable nature of divine law with the ever-shifting landscape of human legislation, where laws are as transient as the political winds that shape them. I probe the sacred tenets of the Ten Commandments, critiquing the liberties taken by religious institutions in their interpretation, and reflect on the grand design God has for our existence, stretching beyond the simple act of procreation to the spiritual sons and daughters in His kingdom.

In a world where every moment is chronicled by a divine ledger, I share a profound personal experience that underscores the interconnectedness of our lives with the celestial narrative. My story—a revelation about the conception of my first son—serves as a testament to the belief that our lives unfold according to a preordained path within God's vast plan. As we tread through these spiritually charged discussions, we also delve into the significance of faith and hope, holding fast to the truths personified by Jesus Christ. I leave you with a message of spiritual tenacity, encouraging listeners to anchor themselves in the principles that elevate us above the terrestrial fray, and I extend a heartfelt blessing, hoping that our words may inspire reflection and bring a touch of grace to your journey.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening. It's 8.15 pm in Vernon, british Columbia, where I'm speaking from, and it's let me take a just a quick look here. Yeah, it's about right around freezing right now in Vernon, british Columbia, and, you know, not too bad. I mean, we're just about at the half point of February and it looks like it's going to be about like this right through the end of the month. If that's the case, we really had a pretty easy winter. I don't know what it's like we are at, but the thing I look forward to and I tell you I really do as I get older, I look forward to more and more and I just sort of watch, watch it, and it's like I don't know a big deal for me.

Speaker 1:

Spring coming, starting of a new year, you realize that. You know our day starts at midnight. What a stupid thing. Our year starts on January the 1st in Canada, you know that's like saying it starts in January 1st at 12 midnight in the snow bank in Saskatchewan, at 20 below. That's when our year starts. What a dumb thing. Nothing we can do about it. You realize that God's calendar is totally different. This would have been a new day. It would have started at around I don't know 5, 36 o'clock. God says the day ends at sundown and a new day starts. Now can you argue with that? That's exactly what happens, not at midnight. And then he says a new year starts around the 10th or 11th or something of April in the month I think they call it a bebe. Now that to me would be also very reasonable. A new year starts, winter is over, the green grass starts and there's rebirth of another year. The sun goes down. That's the end of that day. There's no more day left. You start a new day and it's dark and it goes over and the sun comes up again in about 10 hours.

Speaker 1:

You know, it makes me really wonder that the human race thinks it can make laws. It really does. I watched the Congress of the United States going out and yackity yack talking on this and that the one side just ragging against the other side. Democrats have got one guy that just teeps on and the other side rag right back and the next day they do it again. Now what kind of good does that? Do they think that if they do that, people think they're doing a good job and will reelect them? Mistake they're making is that they allow them to be there too long. You know, every time they make a law very few times they make laws that are a good law. It might be good for one group or something, but not for everybody. It's not a level law Then they sort of water it down and change it over years.

Speaker 1:

You know, when God said that if you eat a garden of the tree of the good and evil or you know that you will die, well that's what happens we're all sentenced to death. We're all that are sentenced to death on account of that. And it's simple. It's his law is absolute. There's no getting around it. His law is so absolute that he had to allow his son to die in our place because his law demanded it and his is a holy law, the law that would run the universe and everything else. He can't change his own law just because you know. Something comes up and you know that's a real tough. It can't be tougher penalty than that. If you break this law, you're dead, you're gone, you die, you won't be around. That's a tough penalty. There's no tougher penalty than that. So when God makes laws, the only thing if people would think about it and that you know, like really think about it is that all his laws are for your and my benefit. The first forget what it is. The first four laws I believe four or five is to worship God and to follow his laws. The other six are how you treat each other, how we treat each other in things, and that's the ten laws. Now you have groups of people, even you know I mean you get admitted because it's an actual fact.

Speaker 1:

The Catholic Church rewrites, rewrote the text, commandments, eliminated one and added one, wrote the. They write their own Bible to suit them. I wonder how that's going to turn out. I don't think. I have to wonder, or you have to wonder. You know what's going to happen. Somebody's going to pay for that. God is not going to allow that.

Speaker 1:

In certain things he said that anyone who takes away what is it in the book of revelation? He says if anyone takes away from this book of revelation, that you know he will take away from them the book of life and if anybody adds to it, he will add the plagues of life to it. So making laws and saying we ought to handle the law, well, that's great to say that, but you know we're not capable of really making laws. We're supposed to follow the law. We're supposed to follow a set of principles that the Creator of the universe has put down. And you know, the thing is he knew that we weren't going to be able to do that. He knew that when he created us and he gave us warnings and all that sort of stuff, but he still took the chance and created us with the idea that many of us would follow his plan and he would be able to have sons.

Speaker 1:

Now he didn't say sons and daughters, he said sons. And the reason for that is that the business of procreation and all that will be over and there's no way he would want two sexes living forever in his kingdom, because look at the problem on earth with it Fighting, it's not all that time the womb is not required anymore. So his plan is for sons. He says many sons. Now, if you think about God and his production of the universe, of things in the universe, when he makes flowers on a field, how many does he make? Chateau is just unlimited practically, and he does other things. That's unlimited practically. The stars you can't count the stars and yet he claims he calls them by name. Now the thing is, you know, that's quite a thing, the idea that you know he would do this to have sons.

Speaker 1:

He wanted sons and Adam was his first son, so he called him the son of God, and so that means we're in the form of Adam. Adam wasn't just created, he was formed and set. He formed Adam out of the dust of the ground and blew in his nostrils the breath of life. He was formed. I'm sure that you and I are the same form, totally as Adam. Now you know, if you're a woman listening to this, you say what are you talking about? That's exactly what I'm talking about, whether people like it or not.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing a woman has just as much chance, or whatever, as being in the kingdom of God as a man has. The only thing is she won't be a woman. She will be the same as the man, being there as a son of God, and that's. I can't see anything wrong with that. Why anybody would complain about that? Then a woman was created, a man to be a help me to man and carry the womb and reproduce. Now, let's face it, a woman has reproduced a lot. Well, this world would be populated with eight billion people.

Speaker 1:

Now this is all done automatic. God has such a system, a place, that we don't even realize it's so automatic, on autopilot. I mean, god doesn't come along and say you got to create another child tonight at 8 o'clock at night or 9 o'clock. He puts in an urge into the men that basically add into the women. But basically I think it's a stronger urge in men and they want to plant the seed and the better looking the woman is, the more they want to plant the seed. Now they don't have anything to do with it except the little muscular mechanics they go through. It's all automatic. They carry the seed, they realize they have 10,000 sperm in them, most likely a lot more. But on these sperm each one could create another human being. Many are spilled and gone and whatever Many go in at a time.

Speaker 1:

I would imagine there's a whole bunch of sperm that goes in in one ejaculation and only one gets into the egg. It has to hit it just right to cut, make its various head in there and leave the information it carries for the next human being, because the egg is the feeding area that will feed the sperm and create cells and there's enough in that egg that the woman has that most likely does a whole bunch, most likely lasts for quite a while, Because it has to last until the child, or whatever it is being formed and can form blood vessels and whatever else. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to. But when I'm getting at it, it's all done automatically. The woman doesn't decide to build blood vessels, she doesn't decide how he's going to be fed or whatever else. The man doesn't do anything except plant the seed. He's never seen the seed, he doesn't know what it is, but he has it.

Speaker 1:

Now you talk about an automatic system to create all kinds of humans that God loves. You know, the thing is that there is something in the humans that God puts in at the moment of conception and that is the human spirit he receives. That that's the automatic thing that happens. That spirit stays with the person all his life and I believe that spirit is connected to some kind of system that records every breath that the person takes, every thought. Everything is recorded somehow, and when you die and you outlive your life, that returns to who put it there. It's like it's back to God and it's like just come back and talk it away, or the resurrection, when it'll be called up again.

Speaker 1:

Now, I didn't come up with that plan, did you? No, we didn't have anything to do with it at all. And you know, it's funny how some things work. I remember when we were on a trip to Saskatchewan one time it was one fall sort of, and we didn't have the kids with us my wife and I just took off to Saskatchewan to visit a guy that used to work with me and anyway we were upstairs in their bit upstairs bedroom where we were staying there overnight and my wife and I we basically had sex. But that's the only time, only time, that it hit me and it was like as soon as that act was over I just kind of stopped and I said, oh, this is going to be. I didn't know it was going to be a son, but I knew at that moment that she was going to be pregnant, I knew that whatever had been done right there, and it just happened like two minutes afterwards, five minutes afterwards maybe, and it was like you know, when I'm trying to explain this and I think you may be known this there are times when something happens to you that it makes you stop and you wonder what happened? Is that what happened? What happened? And I realized I knew that there was going to be a child right there. I didn't know what happened to be a son and why that was. I don't know why. I really don't know. That must be my first son and then we had another son.

Speaker 1:

But there's strange things that happened to everybody's life and I think a lot of it is. You know how sensitive we are to it. If we're not sensitive to it, it'll go by right over. Who knows it? But there are other times when it appears to be something, just like a spirit or a thought or something comes over you and you know it. It's different, it's not the same. It stops you and you're cracked practically, and that's something to kind of watch for, because things like that happen, like I believe.

Speaker 1:

I believe that if you pray and talk to God, the Creator of the universe, which you're entitled to do under the auspices of Jesus Christ, that's how you got to do it. You got to say I'm praying to you and your son's name, jesus Christ. That's how I come to you. That's the calling card that he has to have Now. That's open right now. It's open tomorrow. It's open tonight. It's open the next day. It's open 24 hours a day. There's no charge, and it's instant. It works instantly.

Speaker 1:

God knows when you pray. He knows when anybody in the whole world prays. He can hear most likely, the world pray all at once. He can hear them all at once when I say God is great, they got to remember how they got to write the word great. It's so great that it's a fathomable test. And the thing is, the wonderful thing is that if a person ends up being in the book of Jesus Christ's book of life, which is the important thing that he'll know about these things, that'll be knowledge that a person will receive and I'm sure it's going to just blow people away because they have ever dreamt of this stuff, kind of things. And you have to remember something that's going to keep you going for eternity.

Speaker 1:

That means forever. Yeah, that's a long time, but imagine there is such depths of things that will happen that you'll be totally, totally immersed in it and you never sleep. You never have to do anything. You have life in you, total. You don't have to eat, you don't have to sleep, you don't sleep as there's no night and you don't sleep anyway. You're, you're, you're awake, and I wonder you know you're on, just like on duty, 24 hours a day, and then say 24 hours a day, there's no day there. There is no day, it's just time. But there is no time anymore. It's God's time, which is now forever. There's no midnight and morning and afternoon, none of that.

Speaker 1:

When you caught it, caught a play. When you do start to think about stuff like this and you caught it, played it it blows your mind away, I'll tell you. It makes you think that you know a person really should be doing better, trying to be doing the things that God requires. Well, anyway, we've gone over a few minutes here. That's good enough, and I hope that the world's news is not getting you down. Don't let it get you down. Doesn't matter. It's planned, it's gonna happen. Every single thing that happens is all planned. I'm convinced of that. Totally planned, every single thing, and it'll progress along. Some of it will hate and some of it will be glad to see, but there will be a lot of things we won't like to see. A moment may have to suffer for it too, but anyway, I don't think it's gonna be too dull. You know, I think it's a pretty exciting time coming up.

Speaker 1:

Regardless of what happens, it's the result, the end comes. That what, what your hope is and what you can believe. Your hope is and you can't believe because God is the truth and Jesus Christ is the truth. So I am the truth, the way in the life only come to the father through me, ah yeah, well, I don't think it hurts to mention that every so often, because you know we're we're like sheep we go astray pretty easy and hard to keep us on track, that's for sure. Anyway, that's very good for today and I appreciate if you stayed this long. You're, you're a good guy if you did that, a good girl if you did that. But thank you very much for that and I would also like to say God bless you and I hope he does. Thank you very much and good night.

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