Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Pondering Political Disconnect and the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies

Arlo Johnson

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As someone who's walked the corridors of political discourse in both Canada and America, I've seen firsthand how the decisions made in lofty government chambers can sometimes echo with a hollow ring, far removed from the vibrant voices of the people they represent. My latest musings from Vernon, BC, are no exception, as I grapple with the reality of our leaders' actions—or lack thereof—and the implications for our democracy's health. It's a conundrum that seems to align eerily with the foreboding visions of biblical prophecies, suggesting our current state of affairs might be more than mere coincidence, but rather, a chapter of a grander narrative written long ago.

In the midst of these reflective thoughts, I find solace and strength in the unwavering resilience of faith. The episode brings you into a contemplation of the signs that may indicate we are living in extraordinary times, times that were perhaps predestined. Through personal introspection, I highlight the pivotal role of Jesus Christ's sacrifices and underscore the necessity of placing trust in a divine plan—a plan that, despite the swirling chaos and mounting challenges of today's world, offers hope and comfort. This conversation is an invitation to join me in looking beyond the immediate turmoil and considering how each day is a step toward a deeper understanding of destiny and purpose.

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Speaker 1:

Good afternoon. It's Arlo Johnson from Vernon, bc, open-hallagen valley, 2 o'clock, january the 29th. Hope you're all well. What I was going to mention today was the fact that I've been watching and I imagine you have too many of you Canadian Parliament arguing back and forth between themselves and, of course, if you're watching the Internet, you have no doubt been watching the goings on in the states between the Republicans and the Democrats, but this has been going on now for about a year or so that I've actually paid attention to this.

Speaker 1:

One fact that I think is pretty important really is the world is getting to be a more dangerous place and it's like building up to something, and yet all these people who are in politics and according to what we have here, has been duly elected. They are supposed to be doing what the people want, but they don't. They don't do that. And here's the thing when you have a real problem and like they're discussing it in the Parliament or in Congress, the whole thing is a bunch of talk, yack, yak, yak, talk, talk, talk, no action. They don't really get down to brass tacks or stuff, and I believe that's going to be the downfall of these democratic countries. They're no longer democratic. To be democratic, it means that's the majority rules and that's what's supposed to happen. But that's not the case. It's a minority of people who run the government the way they want promise anything you like to get elected, and using the vote to make it illegal in their eyes, and it's just. They know that they can force feed people all kinds of BS and stuff and they'll swallow it over and over. Tell them again, they'll swallow it again. So it's a pretty sad case anyway.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is that the world is heading in a direction that steeper direction than it did in the past, much steeper, much faster. You know, the people say, oh well. They say well, are we going to say last days or what? These are the last days. But you don't know which last days. I can guarantee you right now, like today, it's going to be at least seven years from now, and then most likely seven years from tomorrow too. And until something really happens that triggers what the book of Revelation speaks out, the tribulation Jacob's trouble, another one they call it. Until that starts, you can't know what it's going to say. When this age is going to quit, be over with. Oh my God, it's going to call the end of it Because until it starts it goes for seven years. First three and a half are supposed to be. You know barely well, you know a lot of trouble and stuff, but basically you know weather problems and you know disturbances. Then the last three and a half years it's getting right down to how many get killed here, how many get killed there.

Speaker 1:

So the thing it just shows that how helpless people are trying to make laws and the biggest problem always is everyone wants to have the right to decide between good and evil, what's right and what's wrong. I'll tell you what's wrong, that's wrong. Everyone wants to do that, but everyone wants to do their own. Set of rules Doesn't work. God has a set of rules that are basically permanent, as far as I understand, and it's backed up with a penalty. If you don't do them, you die, you're dead, you're wiped out and in some cases it says you're wiped out into hell and you can tell I mean, if you have a law like that, it has to have consequences or there's no law.

Speaker 1:

Now the thing is. Well, the thing is that the idea that people are missing, I guess, and have missed for a long time, is that before there was even a anything at all. First earth, second earth, third earth, none of that. Before there was anything on that, god says that was decided between him and the Word that's who existed, I guess. And it was decided that the Word would be the one that would become human man and would suffer the consequences that would pay for the penalty for all the people on the earth. And God agreed that that penalty would be satisfied by the death of himself to pay for it.

Speaker 1:

Now, what I say, himself is God is more than just one, that one seems to do more than one entity. There's three God, the Word and the Spirit. And you know it's tough for us to understand that that's for sure. But I mean, there's some things that you have to take at face value and even if you don't understand it, you've got to say, well, that's beyond my pay grade to explain, or whatever. And I'll know eventually Peace, peace, happiness and long peace. You know this whole thing, and I've mentioned this many times before, and it just hits me every time I see things going on and I realize that we are going through a plan. And this plan, every single bit of it, is there. I mean, it's all there and a great, huge plan. And you imagine God contemplating this plan of many eons that took in our time, god's time? There is no time. There's no time. It was all one time. And yeah, I, you know, I can see the breakdown of the human race because it's happening in a much harder way than it ever did before, ever, and it's going to be. The problem is going to be to this one narrow band of individuals who revolt against God in the tribulation and will suffer for it. All the rest born before God before won't. None of that. It'll be them and they're kind of that's coming up.

Speaker 1:

I was just mentioning to one of the women that work here and she was standing in my door way she was doing my unit and this woman come along who works here and showing her this little dash home. She's got just got a nice little black dash home and, oh, you're in the queue now. When you left, I said her, I said have you noticed? I said that we're getting to the point now where people, especially women I didn't say women to her, but there are ideas in this one women that are substituting dogs and cats in the place of girls and boys, children, because they can take them or leave them, they can call them away, they can play with them, doesn't interfere with their life, it adds to their life. You call her or for whatever I go, do the extortion and it becomes a substitute for children. Because the generation we're living in now that would be raising children have become selfish, totally selfish. They don't realize it, they don't think so, but they don't want children to interfere with their life. They don't some of them coming right up and say it, and that is a total reversal of the idea of women carrying a womb and carrying and and carrying children to term. That's really what that's for, not what or anything else. So that's a big change and and that's not gonna I can't see see that going over very good, with getting the credit of God and Jesus Christ, and it's most likely exactly in the plan, exactly what's gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

I never read that in the Bible, but it's right in front of you. You can see it, can't ignore it, it's there and I guess you could say this is To be alive in this time is very I wouldn't say exciting, but it's very serious that you can live in a time when you can actually see things happening that are going to justify what's prophesied and what's going to happen. You know, when everything's running smooth and everything else, you don't think too much of this stuff. That's when, well, they say, shit hits the fan. Well, that's what's happening. It's starting to hit the fan and it's starting to blow right in everybody's face. So that's you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to talk about this anymore today, but it's a dangerous thing and I just hope that people realize that God has made a plan. He's made an offer. Jesus Christ paid the deal. I never used to think too much about that, you know, I've heard about it, but now I realize it was a real commitment by God himself to pay the price for the people he was going to create, so that his law would be justified and law would be chipped. So I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. And that's happening every day, every day, and that's for sure. So I guess we'll just hang in there and see what's going on. But the main thing is, I just hope that people realize that there is no hope none for those who don't believe that God and Jesus Christ have a plan and you can be part of that plan. They've made arrangements for you to do it and given it to you under one condition that you believe them and realize who God is. Anyway, hopefully we'll see more later. Thank you, and God bless you.

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