Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Traversing Life's Migrations and the Wisdom of Nature: Reflections on Spiritual Quests and Family Dynamics

Arlo Johnson Season 3 Episode 73

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As the seasons change and birds instinctively journey to warmer climes, I find myself marveling at life's greater migrations and the spiritual quests we embark upon. In a heartfelt exploration of existence, I delve into the resilience of our planet and the enduring wisdom of nature, drawing lessons that resonate with the migratory patterns in our own lives. Witness the intricate dance between the Bible's ancient texts and modern secular perspectives as they influence the fabric of family dynamics, including a poignant personal revelation about my son and the broader implication of shifting family values.

Contemplating the enigmatic balance of free will against the divine tapestry, I invite you into a profound discussion that traverses the realms of life, death, and the mysteries that may lie beyond. As we consider the notion of an afterlife free from earthly constraints, I reflect on the apocalyptic themes that have echoed through time, pondering the impact of our ancestors' journeys, including the Israelite migration into Europe, on our current identities. Each thread of discussion weaves into a hopeful conclusion where I extend a sincere wish for blessings, aiming to touch your spirit with a sense of solace and inspiration to carry into your daily life.

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Speaker 1:

Well, good evening. It's 9.22 pm on January, the 23rd, 23rd, 22nd Monday. It's just a no math. It's warmed up. We're above freezing, warming up even more, that's you know, the next week. Now that's welcome news to me, because I don't like it cold anymore. I don't know about you.

Speaker 1:

I've always envied the birds, geese and whatever else. You know that's south for the winter, warmer weather, what the heck with it? You know that's the smart thing to do. They know what to do, so they say. As far as the birds, well, maybe they know what they're talking about. I can't forget about talking about well, I've done in my last couple of podcasts and videos.

Speaker 1:

But the idea that you know the thing that's bringing it on to a lot of people now is all these threats of global warming and you can't do this, you can't do that and we have to save the plant. You know that is, if you stop and think about it. That does not compute. This planet has been here for I don't know millions of years. I suppose I don't know the actual planet. Human beings have, of course, been there very long. They're here for a purpose, as far as I can understand. And then it sounds like this is a disposable plant, but it's going to be renewed, new and better. I mean, it's fine for people to go around wondering where they came from and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

You know people who claim to be educated people. I think a lot of times they have the biggest problem the mind can't handle ordinary truth. And you know I've said this before that it took me a long time to realize that the only truth in this universe not just this world is what God has said and what Jesus Christ has said and what their apostles have been led to say and all the people that have been directed. The thing is a lot of people and getting to be more all the time like the people who pulled the idea of God and the Bible and whatever. But the thing is it's a book, that is. It's not like any other book, it's a book of books, it's a library. Actually I don't know. 65 bucks or something, 32,000, 32,000 Versus whatever. It's a lot. And Where's many who have said that it's a? It's a book like no other? Because it's basically they said it is. It is.

Speaker 1:

The contents of this book are from outside of this plant and it's given to this plan and you know you can say what you like, but that's something to really think about because, let's face it, this is a planet. People were created on this planet because we're here. We are here and see us all around, and we're here for a purpose. People, you know, I've known since I was 15 years old. I it came on me. I just started thinking about that and I remember that that's why we're here and I realized that we were here to make a decision and yes or no, or I believe this or I believe that, and I Don't know why I was led to believe that or whatever, but yeah, I well I did.

Speaker 1:

Now there's all kinds of people wandering around. I have a problem. My own children, basically, were led astray by my wife, who was non-believer and she wouldn't say anything in front of me but behind my bat, more or less, she would poop with the idea of Anything about Jesus Christ or God or anything with my kids because I couldn't even go to Sunday school. And that's too bad because now they're secular, secular and you know the. It's too bad because what it means is that what's the idea of having a family? For what purpose? You bring up a family or you have a family so they for destruction. Is that it? I Don't think that's a very good plan and you know how that can happen and I don't know, you know, for someone who was such a good mother and a good cock and a good this and a good that very good looking, beautiful woman and, and you know, was liked by a lot of people, but she had a streak in her that she wouldn't say to anybody or let them know, but it was there and it was a very Hard streak that she inherited from her father because her father was Poopoo guy too, you know, and I didn't work very good on this family, so I don't know, it's a sad case when that happens, but the thing is, I know that it's that, that my situation is Absolutely not, you know, unique Because I see it all around People are secular as heck. They don't believe in anything. They just believe in Getting up Pension, getting some money mostly money when I get money and they want to have a, you know, to enjoy their life and become more and more Selfish and Really got the selfish now Young people, they don't realize it how selfish they've gotten, but They've gotten selfish.

Speaker 1:

My son brought over a little Border Collie pup. He bought two of 1200 bucks apiece. He brought one over the mail over here to the old, until they, old folks, all right women, rest home to show me. And Nice pop, there's no question about it, they are cute, they are, you know, very nice pups. And the reason is he said I'll bring the other one over to show you to blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, why? Well, because you they're Not married had been living together for I don't know, 30 years, 40 years, and they don't want kids. She doesn't want any kids, so he goes along with it.

Speaker 1:

And Basically the idea was I don't want any rug rats. You know, messing up my life, that's it, and and so what kind of a life is that? You know? And to say anything to them Brings an end to any relationship we have as a family. That's what would happen. That's happened with my daughter. You're not allowed to say anything to people nowadays. Even you know they don't.

Speaker 1:

The trouble is there's a penalty for that. I don't put a penalty on, it was not my idea. God just put a penalty on that. That if they dishonor their mother or their father, their libel not to have a very good long life, things won't go that good, at the most likely towards the end of it be pretty tough. And and what am I supposed to do about that? I Can ask for brought to you for exemption. It's well, I don't know it. The only way he would do it is because we're my family. That'd be the only reason it wouldn't be because they've done anything. But anyway, that's like. That's a hard part of life. You know, it's not really good to to have a family go through life and Face the idea that it's all in vain because there's no hope for them.

Speaker 1:

I Mean, I believe that Christ came here. I believe that God had a plan and it's carrying out a plan and that we're living in this plan and the plan is going to go ahead Exactly as he has it now. If, if this plan was run through once before, if this is the, that, if we're acting out the plan exactly day by day, as it exists in the mind of God Possible and you know he calls it his will well, yes, it is his will, he is the, he is the owner of the universe and he says the cattle on a thousand hills are mine, all the gold is mine, all the human beings on the planet are mine. Now you could say well, what kind of a deal is that you have to remember we are part of a plan that God is work. You know that's he's directing it all the way.

Speaker 1:

And and basically, you, what did he say? He said let us make man in our image and in our likeness. He didn't say make him the same as we are, like, look the same, but we're not the same and we have a Span of what. What he's created life. You know, people, I don't stop and think about it very often, but I'm sure most people don't really actually think about what life is is created. He creates life with a plan, with a system, and it's not to be forever. There's a time limit on how long it's going to go.

Speaker 1:

And he basically says that he wants to create sons. He said Jesus Christ is the first of many, many sons. When he says many, what is that? 50,000? 500,000?, 500 million, Billions?

Speaker 1:

God does not exaggerate, not one word does he exaggerate. He says I will create a new heaven and a new earth. He didn't say I've got to create a great, big, much bigger earth than is here now, because the city that I built for my sons, that I'm coming to putting on this planet, is going to be too big for the planet as it exists. It's too small. He didn't say all that. He just said I'll be creating a planet. Give the exact size of it. Where did I come from? Read the book.

Speaker 1:

He's plain language. He says exactly where you come from and where you're going and what's going to happen to you if you break his law. If you break his law, this is the law for the whole universe. It can't be broken. He's the only one that makes his law. And he says if you break it, the penalty is automatic. There's no judge and jury. It's automatic you die.

Speaker 1:

He's deaf, but he knew he made you and I with this business that we have free will and we can decide if we want to go to the right or to the left. And that's where the problem comes in. It's very hard for us to live a life that is similar to his nature. It's hard to do for us. So he had to make a way that we could avoid that death penalty by paying it in advance for all of us, for everybody, that if they accepted his deal, his plan and his offer, they would be exempt from the penalty. They would live in a new world with no physical body anymore, a spiritual body, a perfect body that needs nothing, doesn't need food, water, whatever, and you're awake and whatever continuing. There's no night, it's only day. And there, god and Jesus are there, and there's not even any sun and moon or anything. They are the light in this huge among good city on a huge planet, huge planet. It'll have to be like 360 times bigger than it is now. He didn't say how big it was going to be. He just said I'm going to create a new heaven, and then they were.

Speaker 1:

Well, that in itself is something I mean. What is that going to be and what are we going to be doing? We're most likely to have jobs of some kind. There'll be something that, almost like, we're responsible to do, and most likely we'll be more than happy to do, to explore, to do, to build, to judge, to run. The whole thing piles up into one big question, mark, that's eternity. We can't figure out eternity. To me, there's no time. The way I look at it, and there'll be no time, and that says that the time will be no more. Everything will be like on the tip of this pin, that little tip right there. It'll all be on that and always on that, and that, wherever that moves, that's what you're living in and it's now. Before and after, is all now. There is no yesterday and tomorrow. It's all now. There's no morning and there's no afternoon.

Speaker 1:

That is nice speculation, so don't think it. I mean, I don't know, but I think about things and that's what best that I can come up with. But I'm not saying that's right at all. It could be wrong. I say things like that. I have no, I can't figure that out. But if it's something that comes to me, maybe comes from somewhere else, I don't know, it's a wonderful world. If you don't, we can. Yeah, the this world is gonna. You know it's not out, it's has its time span, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

And people say, well, never, what? Of course it's gonna end on a when exactly? I mean, people have been talking about this for thousands of years and and it is that kind of a deal, but it is, it is winding down and I mean people realize that you know things are getting worse and deadlier and you know, like evil, killing and whatever, and lying, cheating, whatever, and it's getting worse and worse and it will get worse. You think we think it's bad now? I really do think it's bad, with killing babies and abortion, gay and lesbian people doing things that God hates, and but we don't realize that it's gonna get worse and Worse. It'll get so bad that it can't get any worse. I Don't think God's gonna stop Telling us until it's absolutely imploding on itself. And he has to stop it before Wait for everybody else. That's what he said he has to do, and I could have that all like.

Speaker 1:

I just just think of the difference between the, say, even in a short period of time, with the first world war, and Then what happened? The second world war? Totally different than the first world war, much better at killing people, and that's like what is it? 60 years ago or more? We've improved greatly since then. We can feel each other behind it, computer desk with a deal, satellite deal, and by diseases and Things like that. That's most like a coming down the bike.

Speaker 1:

What you do know is he said there'll be a seven-year tribulation, called it Jacob's trouble. Now Jacob is the family of Jacob, that's that's 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Israel. Say what you like. I'm sitting here Looking at myself in the screen and I realized that I'm a White-skinned person. And where did I come from? Well, when I, when I look into it and whatever else, I Must have come from it, from the tribes of Israel somehow. In my case, my grandfather came from Sweden, my dad came from Sweden. There are all white people in Sweden.

Speaker 1:

There is free books said that the Forget what his name was, a Baruch or something. He was a waiter or Some kind of kept track of things and he traveled through, he took some Some. Oh yeah, this girl with her princess with him, traveled through Central Europe at that time without all big rivers and water. He traveled from Israel right through the middle of Europe, right into the Baltic and into Scandinavia and he had this Girl with it and he was an Israelite tribe I forget what tribe but and he worked his way down from there into British Isles and into Ireland, at Scotland, but it's for some reason. This girl became the wife of this, this chief I I Forget who his name was, but he was a, I think, an Irish chief or something and he married her. He was sort of Queen and Scapes me now what her name was, but it was a they know the names Terrorized it or something in Ireland and then, of course, in discosalent, adding to anyone but All these immigrants and whatever that traveled through Europe in 2,520 years and a Western Europe all over the place multiplying and multiplying For 25 hundred and 20 years and they got Overloading England, scotland, ireland, Scandinavian countries and whatever.

Speaker 1:

And they were multiplying Till about the 16th, 17th century. All of a sudden boom there's 2525 years. 20 years were up. They got put a hold on Abraham's promise to Abraham that his descendants would have this, that, this, that and the land, and righteous and wealth. But when that happened it was like all of Europe woke up and they're building big things and steam engines and ships and railroads and Kind of stuff Not in North America, no and all kinds of Small tribes roaming all over North America for thousands of years and they've built a road never built I've not a little a fire and some deer meat maybe.

Speaker 1:

And anyway, the promise was that they were going to have the Israelite race of Abraham. We're going to get the wealth and whatever. Now, I didn't arrange this, you didn't arrange this, but the white race got all the best land on the planet. That's who had it. It's diluted now, but they had it and all the wealth comes from the land in one way or the other. Now that cycle has gone through. They've had the white race that's had the most wealth, the most power and the best armies and whatever, for I don't know, through 400 years now.

Speaker 1:

Now it's going to go this way and it's called Jacob's Trouble. They raided wealth, they became wealthy, they became rich and then they became evil, broke all his laws. They didn't worship him anymore, they didn't believe in him not all. But the majority is getting that way and now it's getting a bigger majority all the time. And he says they're going to have to pay for doing this and there's going to be the wrath of God. It's going to happen or well, in most cases it's going to end up being three and a half years.

Speaker 1:

He said that the Antichrist will take over this world and bamboozle. He'll deal with Israel first and make them a promise, and at the end of three and a half years he breaks his promise and claps down on everything in the whole world and the tribulation starts. And that's when everything hits the pan Disease, wars, natural deals, you know, volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, sun, hail. God uses all natural things, doesn't have armies and ships, doesn't need them. But people wonder, you know, do you think this is the end of the world. Why do they say that it's not the end of the world? Yet we know when the end of the world will happen. That will be exactly seven years after the tribulation starts, and if we keep our eyes open and figure things out, we'll know approximately when it starts. And then it's seven years after that that Christ returns. He says whoa Defeats all these big armies, basically destroys them, and then he rules this planet for a thousand years. And the idea is, from what I can understand, is that Israelites are going to be doing jobs for them, ruling with them. So he says I didn't make that up, I don't know. Now you've got to say that. Well, if that's the case, that's where it's going to be.

Speaker 1:

If you read Revelation, get to chapter 20. You can read it in an all thing in about an hour and a half to an hour. He says he'll bless you if you do read it. But when you're reading it go through there you'll realize that this city he's building among the city, 1500 miles square and 1500 miles high, won't even fit on the continental USA. It'd be all in the Gulf. But anyway, when you read that and you say that the gates and the pearls and the steps and all this stuff, and there are so many steps for the 12 apostles and pretty senior things.

Speaker 1:

What are we talking about here? We're talking about Israelites in this city being represented in this city and all kinds of things. Now, if that don't curl up here on seven people, you know what do you mean? Are they going to run that thing for eternity? God's not a man. He does things totally different than we think Not totally, but we don't understand it. And his ways are much better than ours. His ways are perfect, there's no mistakes. Oh, I've talked here for 33 minutes. That's a little too much, but so what? We've got to talk about it sometime. I'm really glad if you listen this long. I'd like to see you subscribe, if you would. That would give me some hope. Yes, and hopefully we can meet again someday. And in the meantime, I wish you God's blessing. You know it's really a good thing to say to another person God bless you, because that's a good thing to say. Anyway, talk to you later.

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