Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Contemplating the Cosmic Battle: A Voyage Through Life's Chilling Changes and Spiritual Destiny

Arlo Johnson

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Brace yourself for a soul-stirring expedition through the icy realms of Vernon, British Columbia, as I, Arlo Johnson, share my personal reflection on life's unpredictable transformations, juxtaposed against a brutal cold snap that gripped our town. As the local boiler fought the minus 25-degree onslaught, it struck me how these sudden shifts in weather resonate with the bigger picture of our daily lives—each day is a canvas of change, from minor ripples to life-altering waves. We venture into the vast unknown, contemplating the origins of humanity, the potential for divine orchestration in our existence, and the dazzling revelations offered by the James Webb Space Telescope. Together, we'll navigate the seas of skepticism and belief, pondering the great dance between the spiritual and the human, as we sail toward the horizon of this age's end.

Picture the scene: a malevolent being faces his inevitable downfall, a narrative woven into the fabric of apocalyptic prophecy. This chapter delves into the deep waters of spiritual warfare, where the lines between darkness and light are drawn, leaving us to make the ultimate choice. Will you stand with the shadows, or will you walk in the light? This profound discussion anchors itself in the notion of free will and destiny, exploring whether our paths are preordained or if we truly hold the pen that writes our story. The final battle looms on the cosmic horizon, a true test of our convictions and the culmination of a millennia-old conflict. Join me for this thought-provoking journey as we confront the most existential of questions, revealing the essence of our own spiritual odyssey.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening, good afternoon. It's Arlo Johnson from Vernon, british Columbia, in the Okanagan Valley today is January the 18th, finally 3.30 pm. We've just gone through a cold snap, real cold snap. We're down to, I don't know, minus 25 or whatever. The place I live in here, their boiler couldn't keep up in the dining room and it was pretty chilly in there. The rooms were fine. It's now down to minus seven or eight and it's going to get down to minus three tonight or tomorrow. We're getting lots of snow eight inches of snow so far today and most likely more to come, because it's getting warmer and warmer. We're going to be back up to like five, six or seven degrees above freezing in about a week. Now. Wouldn't it be something if we had a day and a half or two days of winter? That would be something. Because, let's face it, or just about it the 20th of January soon next thing, you know we end of January and then we're into February could happen. We're still stuck at El Nino to deal with, which could warm things up some more, but anyway it's.

Speaker 1:

It's always I've said this before many times and doesn't resonate too much with anybody but things are never the same. Things change every single day, maybe some days not too much, other days, man, it seems like didn't pay attention and now all of a sudden, quite a bit of different stuff going on here. That's the way it's working. And over a period of time like my lifetime, big changes, big. I was just watching a group I think they were in New Mexico some kind of I don't know what you'd call them a group that does basically they just they try to, they're trying to discover, like, where we came from, all this sort of stuff, what happened, you know 20,000 years ago or whatever, how long this age is and when did it start. And the thing is, I hear this, and I've heard this before from many different groups. In fact it's getting to be more and more sort of a built-in thing that people don't know where they came from and they don't. They're like they're lost whole generation of people, many generations actually. But it's coming more and more to a peak now and for some reason they are blind-forward. They are water. I mean, all they have to do is realize that God has told them in plain language where we came from. They don't want to accept that and God has said that. You know, if they won't accept it. They will be eliminated in the future. Now the thing is they say, oh, there was different civilizations here long time ago. God didn't say that there wasn't.

Speaker 1:

First earth age, second earth age were basically the third earth age, and God is most likely refining everything the way he has planned. I want to tell you right now, right up front, that I've said this many times that if we are living in a plan, we are living in God's plan, and when I say God, I say God, father, jesus Christ, holy Spirit. They are what constitutes God, they are all God. Now we don't understand that very good, but we understand it good enough to know that we will understand it better, because it's completely out of our realm for us to understand that God is not a man. Neither one of them are man. Only Jesus Christ became a man, came down to the planet, born as a baby, on purpose, decided before there was a world at all. This God decided that one of them was going to have to pay the price for their law, because what they were creating would not be able to keep the law, because they were going to create the most free will and they want to see how they made out if the free will, chose, choose. Chose God's way and God's word and whatever that they would become sons of God. If they didn't, they would not become sons of God.

Speaker 1:

The new telescope James Webb 1, or whatever it's called, is opening up things that all these scientists and people can't believe, that they're throwing their whole deal out of whack. The actual model is not working out of that. I don't think it's going to make them change their minds too much. They may have to because they can't grasp the fact that God is great, that God fills the universe, his spirit fills the universe. Things everywhere all over, everything you see or whatever, is His. He owns the universe. He owns the universe. That includes you and me. That's pretty hard to grasp. In fact, most likely it'll take us a long time to do that, the thing that I think a lot of people at least.

Speaker 1:

I never thought about this before, except that I run into things where people are claiming to visitations of some kind with spiritual beings and in some cases these spiritual beings were basically in awe of them, and yet I couldn't figure this out. And then the spiritual beings said because you are, you are a spark of the eternal and we are not. We are created. You are created, but we don't have a relationship like you do. And when they say something like that, there's a possibility, there's some truth to that that we don't understand and we can't really fathom that. I mean, it's not because we're good-looking or smart. No, it says it's because God loves us. He loves us so much he was willing to die for us, to save us from his own law, that he can't change the law of the universe. It can't change because he runs the universe, it operates the universe.

Speaker 1:

But the thing that I want to impress you today is that the closer we get to the end of this age, I guess it's going to show more and more how many people or percentage of people in this world just won't believe that God created everything they believe. They want to believe in evolution and this and that which is all man-made now by people who are influenced to do it. I don't think they had the brains or anything to do it on their own. They were influenced to do that. Satan is the great influencer. He's allowed to do that. God has allowed him to influence. I believe that he influences the females in this world. They are more closely aligned to him and his problems than men are. Women are subject to vanity Absolutely. You cannot say that they aren't and built in jealousy that they can't do anything about, and those things are there. Satan has the two there.

Speaker 1:

That is the result of his downfall, you have to remember he's already been judged now and he's been judged and his sentence will take place exactly as God has said. He'll be locked away for a thousand years eventually, and then he'll be released for a short time, enough time to bring all the negative people against God for a final battle that sorts out the last, sorting out, sifting out of everyone on the planet. He sifts them all out and basically they'll all be sifted out. They will go for that and they will follow Satan and they want to go to war and God is allowing them to choose to do that to eliminate them out of the way. He won't do it to them, he'll allow them to do it to themselves. The sad thing. The sad thing is, if you believe what Jesus Christ said, what God has said in the Old Testament through his prophets, he said a lot of things to them and basically, jesus Christ for some of us, he was there doing things with them. He was there when he took the Israelites not the Israelites, but the Jewish tribes. Well, they were the Israelites who were taken captive in Egypt for three, four hundred years, I guess. He said he would take them out of there, they would not be slaves anymore. And that was Jesus that did it. He was a pillar of fire at night, a cloud during the day following them. Now that is beyond our ability to actually really delve into that too much, because we can read it, we can believe it, all right. And Once people can actually believe something good enough and trust what God said, trust what Jesus Christ has said and make it so that Jesus Christ doesn't stick in your throat and you can't even say his name, that's the sign you've got to do something. You've got to work to do, because he says if you're ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you and to my Father, and we will understand that better. Maybe don't get it all right now how this works, for all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit and everything. But it's the Holy Spirit that is in this world and helping those who believe it. Now I don't know how you know that the Holy Spirit is with you. I mean, I can't tell you that, I don't know. I hope that eventually we will know. The thing is, he said he's here to be a helper, which is most likely true. That's exactly what it is. But in the meantime, you know, we're buffeted by so many things. It's hard to actually live a good life because you're pulled one way another, by media, by people preaching, by politicians all kinds of pushing and pulling and it's really important to know what you believe in. I tell you it's the biggest relief you'll ever have once you decide you honestly believe that God came to this earth in the form of a man and paid the price for you to be saved by the God of the universe, who wants you to be his child. In fact, to be honest, he wants you to be his son, not necessarily anything else. The male-female thing will be over with. There's no need for the womb, no need for childbirth anymore. So that's all done. And I know a lot of people, especially women, don't like to hear that. But you know what is the difference? If you're in God's kingdom as one of God's sons is not just as good as being there as a daughter. He's not going to have two sexes. He's not going to have any chance for a war of sexes Not necessary, don't need it. It creates nothing but disharmony. So there's not going to be anything like that there. Not a chance. I don't know You're watching the news. I imagine See them fighting, killing each other in Israel, damascus or Gaza. Well, that'll calm down here pretty soon and they'll carry on again and there'll be all kinds of people raising heck to say, oh, we've got to get rid of the Jews and we've got to do this and do that, and eventually the Jews are going to have a terrible time. God has always said that. He said they're going to be ravaged, taken over, whatever, but he's not going to allow them to take the country away. That's his land and I'm positive that what he says is going to happen, because I believe what he says is true, the only thing that is true in this world. You can't just lay your hands on the truth by what someone else says. If you do, you'll be deceived and you won't know you're deceived. You'll think you know what you're saying. That's how deceived you will be. You have to get to the point where you say the only base thing I can believe is what Jesus Christ said for three and a half years when it was on earth and what God said in the Old Testament. And you have to say that's my base, that is what I believe. I can't believe this over here. I can't believe that over there. I can't believe what my son says. I can't believe what my daughter says, not because they're trying to be mean or whatever it's, because they don't know any different. They have been deceived and they're being deceived every day, all the waking moments. They're being deceived by the media, which is basically anti-Christ media Pretty obvious and they're going to get more and more that way. There's going to be a lot more pressure for people to conform to a secular, very secular way, and me speaking like this is most likely going to be shut right now. In fact, who knows, they might even come after me. Well, so what? I've lived my life, I'm smarter than I know. Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that. We're going to have to talk about this tomorrow. But the thing is, it's very crucial that people understand that time is going to be limited. If you know something's going to happen, really understand it's going to happen, you usually do something about it, but you've got to know something's going to happen and believe it. So here's hoping for the best for you and me. I hope in the future, because we have a hope. Those that don't believe it have no hope. There's no hope for them, but we do have a hope, a great hope and a magnificent future. Good night, god bless. We'll talk again.

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