Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Navigating a World of Prophecies and Ethical Dilemmas: Reflections on War, Abortion, and the Mysteries of the Afterlife

Arlo Johnson Season 2 Episode 69

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Ever found yourself pondering whether the chaos of our world is, in some uncanny way, preordained? Our latest episode ventures into this labyrinth as we reflect on natural disasters, wars, and the moral conundrums that seem ripped right from ancient prophecies. We're not just commentators; we're witnesses to an era where the shadow of war looms large, and the ethical debates, particularly surrounding abortion rights, rage fiercer than ever. With the world tipping into digital realms, some fear a prophecy-fulfilling cashless society draws near. And I can't shake off the eeriness of the prevailing isolation, brought into stark relief during a recent visit to a BC Hydro office.

As our conversation shifts to the afterlife, we're not claiming to hold all the answers. Instead, we muse over this great unknown, guided by the enigmatic words of Jesus and our own life-shaping experiences. I share a family tale that blurs the lines between premonition and coincidence, offering a glimpse into the profound intuition that connects us to the continuum of life. As the night wraps around us, we extend a warm invitation to keep this exploration alive by joining our community of listeners. For those seeking solace in these puzzling times, we sign off with a heartfelt goodnight, hoping to be the beacon that guides you through the tumult.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening. It's 10 after 8 in Vernon, british Columbia, and we're talking to you on the 31st of March. I hope you've had a good day and spring is on its way, and that's a good thing. Anyway, the thing I'd like to mention tonight is the reason why we are going through all these problems. You know you've got crane worn, crane tornadoes in Louisiana blowing up people and wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes and whatever.

Speaker 1:

Everything that's been predicted in the Bible is now coming to Roost, that's for sure. And the trouble is that I mean I went along for a long time and didn't understand anything about Satan or Lucifer or anything like that, or the God of this world, and never even paid attention to that. But I do now because I understand in the Bible that's referred to several places. You know most Christian people that go to church or you know, have to believe in things, don't believe that Satan is the God of this world. But when you see all the wars and all the problems, he is certainly not God running this world. God created the world but Adam lost it by default to Satan and God doesn't, you know, renege. But Satan now has run his course. He's been judged. God has judged him and he's waiting for the judgment to take place. And I guess it's going to happen exactly like it says in the Bible. You know whether you want to believe it or not, it's up to you, but it's coming along to that point where it's going to happen exactly according to the plan the business of the world winding down and people. You know, I've thought many times how can this get to keep getting worse and worse? And you know, all the time, and I've watched that over my lifetime and in a way I've been kind of lucky because for some reason I recognized it and I could tell that things were going, you know, wrong, I could feel it. But you know the thing, what is hard to understand is that God allows it to get so bad that it basically can't get any worse. And I guess we haven't gotten quite to that point yet. But where I had a point right now where whatever was, you know, good and legal and whatever else in my lifetime is now banned, good has become evil and evil has become good and it's simple as that.

Speaker 1:

When you listen to these people women trying to defend their right to kill babies because it's their body that is it's total farce, it's no body at all. They happen to carry an egg and if it's spurned, you know, fertilizes that egg. Things happen and I've said this on another video I had is that there's been a big change in the drive for abortion. It used to be women didn't want to have a child because it would interfere with their life and they didn't want to have that and they're too young and all that. Now that's changed. The people that have demanded abortion now are no young 14-year-old girls. They are demanding to have the same right as men and not have consequences as far as sex goes. They want to be free to have as much sex as a man without consequences. And I believe that's what it is, because it's total, total lie to say that they want health things for the women Health, why? What a rotten thing to say about killing babies.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, the the world is getting to be a dangerous place and the one thing that I think is going to happen and a lot of people are sleeping on this one is that cash is going to disappear and You're going to have to rely on your card, your bank card, and Then it's going to be made so that you have that card and the government is going to eliminate all cash transfers of any kind and you're going to have to have registered Number of some kind and you'll have to take that. Now, if that's the mark of the beast or whatever, it sounds like it, but I'm not sure. But it'll do be the same thing, because it says that the Antichrist will Do that to control the whole world. You come in as a good guy first and doing all kinds of this stuff for three years, or three and a half years, I guess it is and then he slaps down and Takes the, takes the world by force. So you know the.

Speaker 1:

I Wish there was better news for, but there is good news. You know it's like Somebody having to do something that hurts for a while and then gets gets much better later, and that they have to do this and they have to go through this sort of suffering before they get to the good part, and that seems to be the way life is arranged. You know, people, now the whole effort about everything and government and everything else is that we have to stay safe. You know we have to be so safe. You know we can't have this. We have to have shields up, we have to have locks. People just can't come in and talk to you.

Speaker 1:

I went to BC hydro's office the other day to talk to somebody and there's a huge building in town here and I think it's a central place for hydro, and outside was a couple of kiosks sort of things, and you had to try to Forget it was punching numbers or say something or whatever, but anyway it didn't work and this woman finally came out and said what can I do for you, sir? And I said I'd like to talk to someone. And she said well, okay, you can go in the other door. I'll go in this door and now Unlock the other door and then you can go in there and I'll go in behind the counter and I'll talk to you. And I thought what a, what a setup this is for a company that has, you know, everybody Heads hydro one way or the other and they don't want you to come in here. Just send money and pay.

Speaker 1:

And I thought, ah, what is it coming to now? And the idea went inside and she's behind this Plexiglass Screen and has to sit behind that. You can't, you can't, you know, you have to be away. And I thought, ah, man, we got to stay safe, you know. And I think that that is going to be the downfall Right there of everything, thinking that you're going to be safe from everything. That doesn't work, not in this world. And and to I don't know, it seems like the more women get into Positions of power or whatever, the more we have, we have, this heavy bureaucracy of the safety and you know, we can't, we can't take a chance on anything and we got to be careful and don't drop the boat and do this and do that, and I don't know it's. It bothers me, bothers me to even say that, but Because I know a lot of good women and when I grew up, who didn't, didn't have an attitude like that, the oh, I don't know, I'm going on a tangent here, I guess, but To me it's a dangerous time and it's getting more dangerous every day, every single day.

Speaker 1:

I'll be 89 this month or coming up tomorrow, starting, and you know I've been around for a while now. I mean it's quite a while, but when I think back on how things were when I was like 25 years old or something, man, what a change, what a change. And the thing is, people were totally different then, the world was different, and every day it seems like you know and I know, it changes every day. No day is the same and I guess that's the way God planned this world or created it, because everything has got such variety all the time. There's no two people the same. There's no two snowflakes the same. There's no two days the same. There's eight billion people on the planet and none of them are the same. I was reading the other day that they figured it's been about 122 billion people have lived on this planet. Now, that's a lot.

Speaker 1:

I mean when God says he wants many sons, that's what he says sons. You know what is many? I mean many. Many is what? A hundred thousand, hundred million, hundred billion, whatever, I don't know. One thing he does he never, ever exaggerates. He can say in something like in about a three-line verse, what it would take humans to say in a full, practically library. So that shows how much higher he is than us.

Speaker 1:

He's not a man. That's the hard part to understand. He's not a man. He's created man. He wanted a family and he created them in his own image and the idea is to train them somehow to be like him and do the things he wants to do and wants us to do. And he wants to peck people that are going to live with him forever.

Speaker 1:

Now that boggles everybody's mind. When you say that he's gonna live with him forever. He's going to finally descend to this planet and this will be the headquarters of God, god Almighty, who has no been existed forever, and this is gonna be his headquarters. And we're here. I mean how lucky.

Speaker 1:

And there's some things that I don't understand. It doesn't fall into what human nature believes or wants. The way God runs it. He's going to, he's going to be choosy about who's in his kingdom and he's got, you know, like certain, certain criteria. You have to follow that criteria or you're not there. And where are you then? The thing is, it's amazing, because I've noticed that Jesus has said that in the kingdom there will be those who will be the greatest in the kingdom and there will be those who will be the least in the kingdom. That's a big spread of people.

Speaker 1:

Now, you know, I've thought many times. The white grace, as far as I can figure out, are basically descended from Israelites. The kingdom of God. If you read Revelation 20, I believe it is, and it describes the kingdom of God, it's coming down and what it's made of and all this. It refers to Israelites. It says that the 12 foundations will be from the 12 apostles I think it is, and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Other things refer to children of God. That's, you know, the are going to rule and King David is going to be over that and there's not going to be any sea anymore and it's going to be 1500 miles high and 1500 miles square. That's a big area. I mean, oh, I think it could handle that. It could handle a lot of people, depending on what's in it. I mean, I have no no idea at all. You'd have to, you'd have to. Your imagination would have to run wild with that, and same as mine, but anyway, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's the only thing at my age I'm thinking about looking forward to is because this world is. You know, when you say this world's not my home, I think that's that's true in a way, but it will be eventually your home. But you know, this business is going to heaven, as nobody goes to heaven. I had read, and finally read, where Jesus said no one's going to heaven except the one who came from heaven. And he says, as far as dying goes, you will go to sleep with your fathers and your spirit will return to God who gave it to you? And you know I.

Speaker 1:

I, for some reason, when my oldest son was the second in our family, when, when I am pregnanted my way, exactly at the time I did that, for some reason it came over me that that she was going to be pregnant and she was it's going to be. I didn't know for sure if it was going to be a son, but I knew that there was life already started in it and I can't explain it any other way. That's the only time it ever happened to me, but it did happen and you know I'm glad it did because it I think I don't know if I told my son that or not. I don't know the it's one of those things that maybe you don't tell people too often. Anyway, I'm going to cut it off here and if you wanted to subscribe it would be a good thing. I wouldn't, I would like that. But anyway, I want to say goodnight to you. God bless you and we'll talk to you later.

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