Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

Spring's Metaphors and Mars' Dreams in Our Philosophical Odyssey

Arlo Johnson Season 2 Episode 80

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Have you ever found yourself wrapped in a blanket, watching the March winds whirl outside your window, and contemplated the grand mysteries of the universe? Join us on our latest podcast episode where we take a philosophical journey through the musings of life, the search for meaning, and the grand designs of faith. From the eager anticipation of spring's rebirth in Vernon, British Columbia, to the audacious plans of colonizing Mars with Elon Musk at the helm, we traverse topics that will stir your soul and challenge your beliefs. Witness how we dissect the essence of our fleeting existence and deliberate whether our environmental endeavors align with a higher divine plan, or if we're merely imposing our will upon it.

Feel the tension between societal norms and personal beliefs as we navigate through waters often muddied by religious doctrine. We'll unpack the true nature of goodness—and whether it's always in lockstep with what's popular—as well as the implications of a society drifting away from the fear of God. Observe the transformative power of natural cycles as metaphors for life and divine harmony, and prepare to question everything you thought you knew about spirituality and environmental consciousness. Let's seek clarity together in the messages of prophetic writings, especially the enigmatic Book of Revelation, and ponder their significance in our world today. As the seasons change, so too may our understanding of the world and the spiritual path laid before us.

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Speaker 1:

Well, good afternoon. 2.42pm in Vernon, british Columbia, it's pretty chilly for March. I mean, it's not cold or anything, but it's cold breeze Waiting for spring. That's what I'm waiting for, and that's for sure. Anyway, I hope you're all doing well and that you're glad that winter is just about over, and so I'd like to spiel off a little bit today about.

Speaker 1:

You know, I was watching Elon Musk here talking about stuff here just a few minutes ago. Triggered me into thinking. You know, you can be as educated as you like, you can do all kinds of things and you don't really know why you're here. And many people don't know why they're here. They don't even think about why they're here. You know he says got to go to Mars to. You know, keep civilization going in case the earth goes bad, and blah, blah, blah. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that because you know, if you People haven't finished exploring this plant, much less Mars I could see going to the moon doing stuff there. You know, if there's a reason, they could use it for something that's just like next door, and that's very. You know, we've been there. It can be done, that's not a problem. Go there and come back, and so what I'm getting at is people.

Speaker 1:

Most people, it seems to me, don't grasp the idea that this is a temporary life. You're here for a reason to make up your mind about God. One way or the other, god has given you this opportunity. Everything that God does is among the scale compared to us, you know, it's like standing in a hallway and looking down at a little speck that you can barely see on the floor, and then that would be us looking up at God, who would be many times that. The thing is. Everything God does is such a scale that I mean it's pretty hard to follow it and understand it. The do you remember Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you when I am, you can be also Now when you read what it is, and you can read it as well as I can 1200 stadia, 1500 miles square, 1500 miles high. You can't even imagine a city that size. The other thing that should blow your mind is that, according to revelation, all the stuff in this great city is slanted and directed towards Israelites, naming things gates, stairs, whatever, foundations no-transcript. 12 tribes of Israel, 12 steps, 12 gates, 12 tribes of Israel, the lost 12 tribes of Israel? Basically not 12,. It was 10.

Speaker 1:

Now you say, you know, god is not going to say, oh, we can't just have Israel, israel lights here in this kingdom, oh God, no, we have to make sure we have diversity, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I doubt it. I don't think he for one thing. He would not even talk or say that. He would be so diverse you couldn't get to verse, because he's made everything that way. Here it's like you know, if one group thinks they're better than another and whatever, all of a sudden we have got to be so holy and so good that we've got to have these other people come in and you know, whatever we'll have to cut down for whatever. Yeah, well, maybe I don't know if that's. I don't know if God deals with that at all. I think he'd rather they all did.

Speaker 1:

Well, the thing is that people who plan for the protection of the environment and to make sure that the earth survives, they're going against God's plan. God's the one that has the plan. God's the one that decides the plan, not his little minions that he created. But that's what it is and it's getting sort of. You won't say anything against that. Oh boy, you should be in jail. You should find you. You shouldn't be able to say anything, you shouldn't be able to be on the internet, because we don't like you saying things like that. And well, the you know the thing is I can't really describe it to you, but it seems to me that you know this planet is going to be dissolved by fire, purified and renewed. That's it. I make a new heaven and a newer. He forgot to tell us how big he's going to make it, but obviously he's going to have to be way bigger than this planet, because his city wouldn't fit on it, otherwise, you know, you gotta put that in your pipe and soak it.

Speaker 1:

Now the thing is that the whole world and that is getting I shouldn't say the whole world, but the world more or less every day is coming, it getting in your face, like you know, if that it's so has lost any fear of God, that's for sure. That's a pretty big thing. You know what's the result of that going to be? They don't fear the creator of the universe, who created them and everything else and who has set up laws and rules and plans that he's going to do, and he's asking you to go along with it and believe him and live in a world, a new world with him forever, for instance, this new world that he's talking about, the new kingdom, I don't imagine there's anything like money.

Speaker 1:

There wouldn't be any money, no money whatsoever, and I guess there's no reason to have money. Everything you wanted would be around you or wherever else all the time. That's hard to grasp, isn't it? No money, no, two races and none of that, just one group of sons that he says that he wants as a family. That's his disease, because he wants them to do things with him gladly and fairly, a hundred percent, and a lot of it is, I don't know, worship type things or something.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, people can't imagine why you would worship somebody continually. It would have to be because he is beyond, beyond One thing he said Amongst thing that changes and is forever and is always new and always old, everything all at once. It's got to be something like that, because you know the, we have idea, you could, I could say otherwise. You know, nobody wants to get bored forever or anything like that, and I don't think that, whatever happened, I think that your eyes will be wide open 24 hours a day only. There's no 24 hours, there's no time, there's no more time. Time doesn't exist in that, in that world, there's no such time. I honestly think it's like Time is like the end of this deal. Right here, it's just there, it's there, it's always there. It's there now. Oh, it's there. Now it's there. Oh, it's there, it's there, it's just there. You're just in time. All the time that is. There's no time like we have. There's no today, tomorrow and this afternoon. Everything's now. That's hard to grasp, things like that, isn't it? If the old brain, working as hard as you like it, it's still hard to get get it around it. But the thing is there is so much that god has to actually show his children, his sons, that's. That's most likely no end of these, these things, these most likely unlimited. Now, if that's something to look forward to, you know this, this life just pales in comparison. It really does.

Speaker 1:

Now people say they say things like To be a good person, you should not discriminate against anyone. So that's most likely True in one sense. But if you don't discriminate against somebody who does something that you don't believe it, not because you don't believe in it, because god does not believe in it and god does not like it. If you Fuzz that over and say, oh, I've got to be a good guy, I've got you know on everybody. Well, that says you left everybody. But he also says, if you do this or you do that, you're going to be on your own. I'm not going to protect you and Make sure he waits for a long time. Let people try to get around it. I'm actually afraid to be the way the world wants you to be, because if you do that, if you want to be the way the world wants you to be, you are not going to be in line with what God wants you to be.

Speaker 1:

Now, who's the winner? Who's the big boss? Who's got all the power? Not the world. Lots of people around you. You see them die, born and die every day. They come and go. That's it. That's what you're going to follow. Well then, you've got a pretty shallow deal, you know, yeah, it's amazing when I think about it, when Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you, and then you read what this place is, who Building a place like that? And you imagine that, mind you, according to the Bible and according to what God has said, that Jesus is the Creator, the Word spoke and it was so. All things were created by Him, all things, the you know.

Speaker 1:

We're coming up to spring sometime here now, I don't know, maybe the end of this month, maybe next month. Did you know that in the Bible God's spring comes on a bebe, the 12th of a bebe in the Jewish calendar or something like that? I guess that's what it is, the 12th of a bebe is like April 10th, 12th of April in this calendar. That's the start of a new year, not just spring, it's start of the new year. But he considers the start of a new year to be the start of new nature, growth, life. That's when the new year starts. The old year is over, it was dead in the winter and it's coming to life again. And when it comes to life he says that's spring. Now I can. I can believe that and I can agree with that Really. Just like when it gets to be about 5 to 15 tonight, it'll be sunset. That means this day is over, according to God, and a new day starts. I can't argue with that. That makes too way too much sense to me.

Speaker 1:

The thing that God does and preaches and writes about and says in his plan are things that are actually very simple. They're not fancy things to try to figure out. They're very down to earth, simple, and it's man who twists everything wrong and makes it complicated. That's a fact, it really does. And the way the world goes and the way it's going to go is well, it's an amazing thing. If you actually take the time to figure out what's going to happen and read what the plan is, all you gotta do is read the book of Revelation. Really, jesus Christ lays it all out for you and it's there, and I think that's a pretty interesting time of life to be alive.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how soon it's going to happen. I'm pretty sure it's going to drag out for a while yet, because things are going to get so bad. There's just absolutely no excuse anymore. Not one bit, yeah, but anyway, the good thing is to look forward to is that it's spring. I mean, it's probably 90, april 22nd that's not too far from now and I guess I have to look forward to that. You know, then, what's going to happen. You know what comes after 90, 91? I don't know. We'll find out, and that's the one thing about it. We all will find out. With that, I'm going to say good night, goodbye, and God bless you.

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